Your Pet’s Sanity

Our pets are sensitive beings and we should care about their sanity. You can learn more about the topic in our article.
Your pet's sanity

Animals can suffer from various emotional illnesses, which are manifested by changes in behavior and character. It is essential that mental health to care for your pet, so it lives happy and healthy.

Your Pet’s Mental Health: The 5 Most Common Emotional Disorders

1- depression

Animals are prone to depression in response to abuse and  abrupt changes in their routine.

Deprimierter Hund
Author: LuAnn Snawder Photography

Common symptoms of depression include:

  • inaction
  • insulation
  • Lack of interest and decreased energy
  • Changes in behavior
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and lethargy

2- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Pets with OCD suffer from repetitive or uncontrolled behaviors.  In this condition, the animal momentarily loses the ability to control its emotions and expresses this through compulsive acts .

Many dogs frenetically lick their tails or chase after her in a circle.  Usually, obsessive-compulsive disorder develops as a consequence of physical or emotional abuse, excessive nervousness, and captivity  (dogs that have been chained, for example).

3- Separation anxiety

Pets that are too emotionally dependent on their owners often behave hyperactive when left alone. Usually they try to escape, injure themselves, destroy objects, nibble on furniture, howl and keep barking.

4- phobias

There are animals that suffer from very strong fears that provoke exaggerated reactions.  In fact, the majority of pets are terrified of certain noises such as the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fireworks, etc.

Most of the time, the animals express their discomfort in one of the following ways:  they adopt either a submissive or attacking posture, shiver, attempt to escape, hide or avoid people.

5- Post-traumatic stress

The behaviors stem from negative experiences such as violence, abuse or neglect.  It so happens that some pets have great difficulty living with humans or animals. You suffer from aggressive or compulsive behavior. Here it is inevitable to turn to expert help and be patient .

Advice on your pet’s mental health

Maintaining the emotional balance of our pets is a matter of habit,  as a healthy, positive routine can increase their life expectancy and quality.

Below we list six fundamental aspects that contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of your best friend:

1- Balanced diet

An unbalanced diet can cause many physical and mental diseases:  malnutrition, obesity, digestive diseases, fatigue, lethargy, depression, etc.

A balanced diet should be chosen depending on the age and size of the animal.  Besides, there are also some specific options on this topic to improve diseases like allergies, obesity and kidney, liver or urinary tract diseases.

It is important that the animals get the right portion for them. Too much feed does not mean that the animal is eating well. Neither does it if we feed it with leftover human food. Some of the ingredients could be toxic to the animal.

2- Regular physical activity

Physical activity is the ideal complement to a balanced diet, because  fitness helps to control weight, strengthen the immune system and balance the organism. In this way we can avoid various diseases and contribute to the mental health of our animals.

If you don’t let the energy build up in the animal at all, this also has a positive effect on its behavior. In this way you reduce the risk of aggressive behavior and offer the animal a few moments of fun and relaxation.

3- socialization

When animals socialize, they use their social skills and strengthen their emotions. This also strengthens your pet’s mental health and reduces the risk of aggressive behavior.

It is best to start socializing during the first few weeks of the animal’s life.  Between the fifth and twentieth week of life is an ideal period for the animal to develop healthy interaction with humans and other species.

Touch therapy for the dog

4- Preventive medicine

Many diseases bring about emotional imbalances and behavioral changes.  This is why preventive medicine is important for your pet’s mental health.

The animals have to be vaccinated and dewormed regularly.  This includes oral hygiene and cleaning the eyes, ears and fur. Preventive examinations at the vet are also necessary to check the health of the animal.

5- Beauty care and cuddles

Of course, each animal only accepts a certain amount of care and petting,  but all of them deserve and need the attention of their owner. That’s why you always have to choose a pet that doesn’t take up more time than you can give it.

We would like to emphasize that caresses and beauty treatments are ideal moments to improve the animal’s mood. In this way your friendship will be strengthened and your coexistence will be improved.

6- relaxation therapies

There are more and more specific relaxation therapies for pets out there,  but it would be best for you to enjoy these moments together. For example, aromatherapy, music therapy, feng shui, and meditation create a more positive environment. This is fundamental to the spiritual well-being of your pet and family.

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