Why Dogs Run After Us

Our pets are our companions and, in many cases, our shadows. Why do dogs run after us? Learn more about this behavior!
Why dogs run after us

Our pets are our companions and, in many cases, our shadows. There are a number of reasons behind this behavior that many owners cannot understand. Then you will find out why dogs run after us.

Why dogs chase us: scientific explanation

Whether you like this habit or not, the fact is that  dogs have chased us since humans succeeded in taming wolves.

Due to the millennia of development, it is very unlikely that this behavior will change.

However, when you can understand that it is very natural for dogs to chase us, this annoying habit can no longer be bothersome to you. It is part of your daily life with your faithful companion.

Why dogs chase us: hike

  • So-called imprinting or genomic imprinting is a phenomenon that was originally observed by the Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz. First, he found that the offspring of certain animals choose a mother figure at birth.
  • Regardless of whether it is their mother or a caregiver, they identify this person as a provider and protector and constantly follow them everywhere. This initial attachment could even change behavior later on. In dogs, this genomic imprint occurs in the first 12 weeks of life.
  • Through education based on rewards and pats, owners can bond with their dog and have him follow them wherever they go.
  • If your dog identifies you as a food source and playmate, he may never want to be apart from you. Nevertheless, each animal has its own character and the dependency varies greatly.
  • It has to be mentioned that there are certain dogs that are very comfortable with people. These are very closely tied to their owners and some even experience separation anxiety if their owner is away from home for too long.
  • You need to control this addiction so that it doesn’t drive you crazy. Therefore, it is recommended that you seek advice from a canine ethologist or trainer if separation anxiety appears to be an issue. Nevertheless, there are also very independent dogs who enjoy domestic life without any problems.

Why dogs run after us: walk

Does this behavior really benefit us?

Some owners do not like to have a constant shadow that tracks all their movements, constantly demanding encouragement and affection.

For others, however, it is precisely this behavior that is the beauty of a pet. The company of a loyal and loving creature who rejoices every time you get home from work.

Every owner and every animal enjoys a unique and inimitable relationship. Both have to set the limits of their comfort zone in order to be completely comfortable with the other.

In the event that your dog is happy with you and wants to follow you everywhere, it is likely that the two of you will enjoy a lovely friendship that will delight you for a lifetime.

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