Why Dogs Howl

While there are many myths on the subject, howl is simply a dog expression adopted from their ancestors, wolves. These used the howl to warn the rest of the pack of danger or to let them know that there was food. 
Why dogs howl

Find out why dogs howl in today’s article  Because this has nothing to do with myths or fabulous stories, no matter how fascinating and popular. The explanation of howling is very simple and logical. Read on!

Why dogs howl

A dog’s howl has nothing to do with the moon or other myths. There are various reasons for this, some of which are related to the wild life of the ancestors of today’s domestic dog.

It is well known that the dog is  descended from the wolf  and some of the oldest dog breeds, such as the Siberian husky, do not bark like other dogs, but howl.

With this technique, the sound extends what is important for wolves in order to communicate with the rest of the pack in the forest: With this they can announce danger or inform that they have found food or have to withdraw.

Why dogs howl

But this inherited behavior isn’t the only reason dogs howl . There are other explanations for this as well:

1. Dogs howl to defend their territory

Only alpha wolves howl to distinguish themselves as the “boss” of the pack. So if your dog is howling, he may be trying to show he’s the boss in the house.

Some races also howl to sound the alarm when strangers approach. Here the survival and defense instinct is decisive for this typical behavior. 

2. Reunification of the pack

You and your family are the pack for your dog. So when everyone gathers at home, your dog can celebrate with his howling song. This happens especially when he’s been alone for a long time.

In the wild,  alpha wolves also howl to celebrate the reunion of the pack. 

3. Expression of physical pain

Not every situation is so happy. Dogs also howl to express pain. It could be an injury, indigestion, or any other discomfort that causes your dog to howl. This behavior corresponds to our lamentation when we feel sick.

4. Dogs howl to imitate other sounds

You may be familiar with the following situation: An ambulance or the fire department drives by, your dog hears the siren and starts to howl. There are two possible explanations for this:

Your faithful companion suffers from the loud noise and complains. It makes him nervous and scared.

Why dogs howl

The other explanation for this is  that it mimics the sound as if it were answering the “pack leader”. His genetic memory is responsible because it shows that he is close to the alarm signal.

5. Dogs howl to ease their fear

Another reason for the howling is that the four-legged friends can calm themselves down with it, as if it were a lullaby. The howling is accompanied by certain physical signals:  the dog may turn in a circle, bite its own tail, or run from side to side.

6. Dogs howl to alleviate loneliness

When your loyal friend and companion feels lonely, he or she may start crying too. Dogs usually live in a pack or group. Therefore, long periods of loneliness are terrible and depressing for them.

Finally, we would like to mention two myths:  Some believe that dogs can sense spirits, souls or other beings because their sense organs are particularly well developed. Others believe that they can anticipate disaster or death. There are of course no scientific explanations for this.

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