Why Doesn’t My Cat Like Her Scratching Board?

If your paw doesn’t like to use its scratching board, it may be sharpening its claws on furniture or other valuable objects. It is therefore important to take measures to make the scratching board more attractive to the cat.
Why doesn't my cat like her scratching board?

A domestic cat does not lose its instincts and the innate habits of its wild ancestors. That’s why she has to grate her claws. It does this not only to sharpen it, but also to mark its territory. A scratching board or tree is very suitable for this.

But what if the kitty just ignores her scratching board ?

The scratching board: an essential item for cats

Wild cats usually sharpen their claws on trees. So if your cat does not have a garden or free run, you definitely need to purchase a scratching board.

Otherwise, she will use your furniture or other household item for this purpose.

That is why a scratching board or a scratching post is indispensable for our velvet paws.

However, you also have to keep in mind that no matter how expensive or how great you find the board, the cat can ignore it completely and continue to vent on the doors, windows, carpets, sofas or other objects.

Cat and her scratching post

Reasons why the cat disdains the scratching post

So why is your kitty ignoring the scratching board that you have chosen with so much love or maybe even made yourself? There are many reasons to keep in mind to avoid wasting time, money, or effort :

  • Size : If the scratching board is too small, it may not arouse your cat’s interest. Note that she has to hook her claws into it and straighten herself properly.
  • Stability : If the scratching post is wobbly or even falls over when the cat tries to sharpen its claws, it can be frightened. Make sure that the scratching post either has a broad base or that you can screw the board to the wall.
  • Texture : There are all kinds of scratching boards, you have probably already noticed that in the pet shop. However, you have to choose one that has a texture that your kitty likes. It could be made of cardboard, carpet, or rope. Watch your cat to see which material she might like best.

Other reasons she may not like the scratching board

It could also be that she refuses the scratching post for one of the following reasons:

  • Position : Observe whether your cat prefers to sharpen its claws horizontally or vertically before buying a scratching board.
  • Location : Well, not all places are comfortable for our cats. No matter how perfect the scratching board is, if you don’t put it in the right place, then she’ll just ignore it. Find a quiet place where she likes to sleep or rest. You can also hang it in front of a piece of furniture that she likes to scratch.
  • Strong smells : If the material of the scratching board has a strong smell, she may spurn it. Remember that cats have very sensitive noses.
  • Lack of education : They are very intelligent, but sometimes you just have to teach them to use the scratching board. This is best done when they are young. Make use a game so that your velvet paw spares your furniture.

Cats need to sharpen their claws

More tips on using the scratching board

If your kitty continues to ignore the scratching board, try the following advice:

  • Spray a few drops of catnip, which is irresistible to most cats.
  • Scratch it a little, as this could make her lose her fear and become interested in the new item.
  • Use the scratching board during your playtime and put your favorite toys near it.

Please note, however, that you must never force your cat to use the scratching board. So it will only be a negative experience for her and you will get the opposite of what you want: the cat will never use it.

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