What To Do If Your Dog Is Lost?

A dog owner’s nightmare: dog is gone! Since it’s always better to be prepared, we’ll tell you what to do if your dog is lost.
What to do if your dog is lost

One of the biggest fears for dog owners is that the dog will be lost . This can happen through carelessness, an accident or disobedience of the four-legged friend. Since this situation happens again and again, it is good to be prepared for it.

So today’s article is about what to do if your dog is lost 

Labeling is mandatory

As in so many other areas of life, it is better to prevent than to complain. Not only is the microchip required by law. It’s also the best guarantee that your dog will return home if he’s lost.

The microchip is smaller than a grain of rice and is inserted under the skin of animals. The owner’s data are registered in it. If  someone finds the lost dog, they can contact the owner.

You lost your dog

Despite the low cost and although the chip is mandatory and absolutely necessary to identify the dog in an emergency, many dog ​​owners do not use it. The microchip has no disadvantages for the animal, it only offers advantages. Identify your dog so he can come back home.

Before the dog is lost

There are some important things we can do before the dog is lost . Responsible owners can anticipate problems in order to prevent them.

Installation of the microchip is necessary, but it is more important that the microchip information is updated.  Changes to the phone number or address must be updated in the file. Every move must be registered so that the owner can actually be found in an emergency. Your vet can help you with this.

It is also important that the collar and leash are in good condition.  If your four-legged friend suddenly gets scared on the street and pulls on the leash, it should not be able to escape. If you invest in a leash, you are investing in safety.

Of course , dangerous or uncomfortable situations outside the home should be avoided. Many dogs are lost walking each year due to a thunderstorm or fireworks popping; they get scared and run away.

Before the dog is lost

Your dog’s safety comes first: if there is any danger, you should stay at home or just take a very short walk.

What to do if your dog is lost

Suppose your dog has already been lost. Some problem occurred and it is gone. What do you have to do now How do you find him again?

The first thing to do is to report to the authorities that you are looking for your dog: call the local police and give them the description of your dog. Even if he doesn’t have a microchip and you fear that you will be punished, if someone finds your pet, the first thing they’ll call the police. She needs to be informed that you are looking for him.

Check the shelters if your dog is lost

The next step is to visit the animal shelters. The police themselves or animal rights activists can inform you and support you in your search.

If your dog has a microchip, identification is easy in case it should be found. Nevertheless, the exact description is very important!

Then contact all animal welfare organizations in your area.  Send them an up-to-date photo of your dog: many contact animal welfare organizations when they find an abandoned animal.

Lost dog how can you find him

Even if several days go by, don’t give up. Someone can find your dog a few days after it disappears or a week later. Even if you’ve already spoken to the shelter, call again after a few days. The same goes for the animal welfare organizations: remind them that you are still looking for your good-hearted friend.

Find him in the wider area

It is necessary that you personally find your dog. A disoriented dog can run many miles a day, but there are a few pointers that can help you:

Find him in places he knows. Dogs are guided by what they are used to, so look in places where you often go with them or where you often go for a walk. Also search in areas with lots of dogs: parks, routes that are very popular …

Ask the People You Meet: If you suspect your dog is in an area, ask the people who usually go there.  The chances of finding him are greater that way. Someone might have seen a clue or your dog.

Put up posters if your dog is lost.

Post posters with a photo and your phone number in the areas where you think it has been lost. Even if you spread your photo on social networks with the help of an animal welfare association, you have to notify the neighbors.

It’s a difficult situation, but  if you know what to do, you have a better chance of finding your dog again. 

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