What Are The Advantages Of Dogs For The Elderly?

When you are a little older and live alone, the company of a pet is very pleasant.
What are the advantages of dogs for the elderly?

Dogs for the elderly have advantages for the owner and for the dog itself! You can find out why this is so in this article.

What do dogs bring for the elderly?

We love pets for their affection and company. Sometimes they are even the reason we get up in the morning. Older people who are widowed or have no close family are at higher risk for depression. If there is also an illness or disability, it makes the situation even worse.

Your children or grandchildren may think that giving you a dog is more of a problem than a solution. But it has been shown to be the other way around. Dogs for the elderly have the following advantages:

They support self-esteem

Dogs for the elderly give self-esteem.

Retirement is a difficult time in life and it is often full of mixed emotions. Retirees may no longer feel useful and think that they are a burden and have no purpose in life…. Having a pet makes them feel like they are needed. It can give them meaning every morning.

They reduce stress and tension

When we’re sad, depressed, or tired, there is nothing better than dog cuddling! In fact, having a pet has been shown to reduce anxiety, nervousness, and stress while dealing with bad news or a major life change.

They encourage social contacts

Bringing a dog to the park is an excellent way to meet new people who also have pets. It gets you out the door every day. Although you only have to wear something to go for a walk, living alone is still an additional motivation.

They support health

When you walk a dog, you get some fresh air and exercise. This routine counts as exercise and is good for heart health. Walks lower cholesterol, prevent hip injuries and regulate blood sugar levels.

Always in company

Having a pet with you while you watch TV, read, or knit feels nice. Just having another living being around when you’re sad, bored, or tired is a great help. If a person lives alone, he will never feel lonely again.

How to choose dogs for the elderly

This is a very important point. Older people often do not have the strength to care for a large dog or the energy to play with a puppy. A puppy can even destroy things or do business around the house. There are certain characteristics that should be used to choose dogs for the elderly, such as:

Middle age

Dogs for the elderly keep people active.

Puppies and older dogs require more care and attention. Therefore, three to five year old dogs are best suited for older people. In this way, dog and human get older together and will “understand” each other better. The dog is sure to receive the necessary care. It feels good to get a slightly older dog out of a shelter. You beautify the dog’s life!

Small size

One should choose a small breed so that the dog does not surprise its owner while taking a walk. This is another great reason to go for middle age as there won’t be any surprises from too much growth. Plus, they are much easier to keep in a small apartment and they need less food than larger breeds.

Also keep in mind what care the animal in question needs. For example, dogs with short hair do not have to groom as much because they do not lose that much hair. As for personality, for the elderly, dogs should be affectionate, sociable, and balanced.

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