Tips And Advice On Attentiveness In Dogs

Dogs care so much about food that using a reward along with positive reinforcement is very effective.
Tips and advice on dog attentiveness

They say dogs are easy to train, but since you’ve tried yours, you’ve found it hard to believe. It seems like he doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t even listen to you. That’s why we’ve put together some tips for you on how to be alert in dogs.  

How to get dogs’ attention

It takes persistence, patience, tenderness and – why aren’t we honest? – Rewards for getting dogs noticed and getting them to obey orders.

This last step is especially important in getting your dog’s attention, but it’s not the only one. Follow these steps and you will notice how your dog slowly begins to listen to you.

Pick a reward

First you have to think about what kind of reward your furry friend would like best. Some prefer special dog treats, while others prefer a piece of sausage or a slice of ham.

Some are even satisfied with a few chunks of dry or canned food. You know your four-legged friend best yourself. Keep in mind, however, that dogs become more alert when the treat is particularly tasty.

Let him see the reward

Once he knows there’s something in your hand, he’ll jerk you everywhere. Then sit on the sofa and wait for him to stand in front of you. Open your hand and let him sniff the reward, but don’t give it to him yet.

Fur nose eagerly waits for her treat

Every time he tries to nibble on her, you’ll have to close your hand again. Now you’ve aroused his curiosity and desire.

The first command

With the reward in hand, you can now give him the first command. It is true that at this moment it is the reward, not you, that is holding your dog’s attention.

But that can change quickly by bringing the reward up to your dog’s cheek and saying, “Look at me!”

Once you’ve managed to get his attention from the treat, it’s time to give him his reward. 

This trick will help your dog associate your voice with the reward.

It’s not that easy at all and it may not work right away. You will then have to repeat it several times to achieve success. The more often you get to it, the easier it will be to get dogs’ attention.

What’s next?

With the last few steps you have already won your dog’s respect and attention, because he now knows that there is a reward for listening to you. If he does not do this, then there is nothing.

Are we honest Dogs love us unconditionally, but they love their food even more. Therefore, there appears to be a visible interest in influencing many of their actions.

Dog with a leash in its mouth wants to go for a walk

However, through the previous exercise, you got your dog to look at you when you call him and listen to what you have to say to him.

Now you can use the same method to teach him commands like sit, down, paw, get, or let go.

It’s also now easier to get him to listen to your shouting in the street or in the park, and not to growl or bark at other people approaching each other.

In order to train a dog, it is essential to take these first steps. This is how to draw attention to yourself in dogs. Your voice should sound firm but gentle.

Screaming doesn’t do anything, because tenderness and positive reinforcement are much more effective. 

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