The Surprising Cognitive Abilities Of Parrots

Parrots are a group of birds that, like corvids, are distinguished by their great cognitive abilities. Interesting and amazing.
The surprising cognitive abilities of parrots

The intelligence of birds is well known in corvids, but also in the world of Psittacidae (parrots, macaws and parakeets), many species are distinguished by their amazing cognitive abilities.

The intelligence level of parrots is in many cases compared to that of primates, even if their cognitive abilities are lower than those of primates and two-year-old children. When parrots, primates, monkeys, and toddlers were subjected to the same tests, the parrots performed better than monkeys. However, the results were comparable to those of chimpanzees.

Parrots are able to solve problems

Logical or causal thinking is the ability to solve problems, draw conclusions, and learn from events by establishing cause-and-effect relationships between them. There are many ways to measure this type of logical thinking in animals: In the case of the comparative studies between parrots, monkeys and primates, a variety of tests were carried out.

Some of the tests that the parrots excelled in in various experiments were: choosing between multiple threads and pulling the thread that earned them a reward, using tools, or being right at the shell game. That is, tests where it is necessary to establish a cause-and-effect learning process in order to receive a reward.

The cognitive abilities of parrots

The parrots’ brains explain their cognitive abilities

In parrots, just like in primates, the area connecting the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum is highly developed. In birds, this area is called the nucleus spiralis medialis . Although their brains are not very large, this area is two to five times larger in parrots than in other birds.

It is believed that neural pathways connecting the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum play an important role in controlling complex behaviors. And that could be the answer to the parrots’ amazing cognitive abilities.

The cognitive skills: do parrots understand what they’re saying?

Thanks to the voice head, these birds can imitate human sounds, words and voices. But do you understand what you are saying or is it pure imitation? With the new knowledge about their intelligence, imitation without a learning process is called into question. Can parrots learn noises and master them according to certain criteria?

In nature, parrot birds live in social groups and communicate using different sounds. Each group (and even each breeding pair) has their own different dialect. They also have a whole register of calls with very subtle modifications for each situation.

The strangest thing about it is that these calls are learned, they are not innate in the chicks. When you swap one nest for another, the chicks learn the “language” of their adoptive parents. Parrots also recognize each other by combining certain sounds as if each individual had a first and last name.

This ability to use sound, along with their intelligence, shows us that parrots have amazing cognitive abilities.

The African gray parrot Alex

The fall of the African gray parrot Alex is a great example of marveling at the incredible abilities of parrots. His supervisor, the psychologist Irene Pepperberg, trained him for 30 years. During these years Alex learned 100 different words, differentiating colors, shapes, materials and quantities from one to six.

African gray parrot

The intelligence of this particular parrot was comparable to that of a five year old child. Alex’s training consisted of numerous repetitions and assignments, through which he was able to identify the shape, material and color of an object shown to him.

There is still a lot to learn about animal intelligence and all the secrets that go with it. But one thing seems clear. There are many species with impressive thinking skills and therefore it is important to treat all of them with decency and respect.

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