The Rock Hyrax Is An Agile Leg Acrobat

Although the hyrax resembles a rodent, it is considered by some scientists to be one of the elephant’s closest living relatives.
The hyrax is an agile leg acrobat

The hyrax is very similar to the guinea pig or a large rabbit with very short ears. But this animal has teeth, toes on its feet, and skull structures comparable to those of elephants.

Scientists therefore consider the hyrax to be one of the elephant’s closest living relatives.

According to studies, the hyrax shares an ancestor with the elephant. The Schliefers strong molars grind the hard vegetation and it has two incisors that are like tiny tusks similar to those of an elephant.

Hyrax: Life on the Rocks

This species belongs to the family of Procaviidae or hyrax, which has three members; the rock hyrax, the tree hyrax and the bush hyrax. The hyrax lives mainly in Africa, but can also be found on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula as far as Lebanon.

As its name suggests, it can be found in areas where there are rocks, rock formations or even small caves in cliffs that provide shelter and protection.

Their dwellings are easy to identify as the urine of these animals crystallizes and leaves white spots on the rocks.

The Klippschliefers feet are designed for climbing. The soles of the feet are bare and have a wet, rubber-like cushion that rises in the middle for a suction effect.

This allows the hyrax to hold on to rocks and other smooth surfaces without slipping, which is why it is also known as an agile leg acrobat.

Some behavioral traits

The hyrax is a very sociable species. It lives in colonies of up to 50 individuals who share sleeping areas and look for food together.

Each day begins with a group meeting to sunbathe for a few hours. Once they have warmed up, they go out to look for food for a short time.

The hyrax lives on rocks

The hyrax does not like cold or rainy climates and does not leave its rock dwelling when the weather is not to its taste. Although it is diurnal, it can also be out on moonlit nights.

Most of the time, however, he spends doing nothing. He devotes only about 5% of his time to active activities.

In some parts of Africa, bush hyrax often live in the same rocky areas as the rock hyrax. The two species have been seen sharing accommodations and gathering to warm up in the morning.

Your boys even play together. Although they differ in other respects, these two types seem to understand each other.

Hyrax: Eating Habits

The hyrax has a tripartite stomach with bacteria that help digest the plants it eats.

During the rainy season the hyrax feeds mainly on grass, but when the grass dries it changes its diet and entertains itself with fruits and leaves.

When they feed, they form a circle with their head pointing outward to watch out for predators. Warnings are issued against leopards, hyenas, jackals and the coffee eagle.

The hyrax is a social animal

With its excellent eyesight, the hyrax can spot a predator more than 900 meters away. During each feeding phase, the dominant male in the group pauses between bites to watch for danger.

Whenever he sees anything worrying, he will shout the alarm so that the hyrax will hide or remain perfectly calm until the danger is over.

Family life

The females stay with their families for life. For every five females there is one male who patrols a certain area within his colony.

When the young are born, usually around the same time once a year, the whole colony greets and smells the newborn.

The young are surprisingly precocious: they are born with their eyes and ears open. They look like miniature adults and have the same lush fur.

The hyrax organizes itself in groups to look after the babies and the mothers take turns looking after the little ones.

Three days after birth, the puppies try solid foods. The hyrax boy eats excrement from other hyraxes.

It is believed that this habit gives them the bacteria their stomach needs to digest the plants they consume.

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