The Reasons Why Dogs Snore

Have you ever wondered if it is normal for dogs to snore? And why do some snore and others don’t? Today we want to explain the reasons for you.
The reasons why dogs snore

It is important that you understand why dogs snore. In most cases it is perfectly normal and harmless for your dog to snore and you don’t need to worry about it.

Some dog owners even find it very funny or cute when their dog snores. Others feel annoyed by this noise, especially if they sleep in the same room! However, you should know that it is not normal for your dog to make snoring noises when he is awake. Then you should see a veterinarian. The same is true if your dog suddenly starts snoring even though he has never done it before.

Why do dogs snore?

If the air you breathe cannot flow freely through the nose or throat, it often causes dogs to snore . Occasionally, this can happen when your dog is sleeping on its back. In this position, the tongue can slide back against the roof of the mouth, which hinders his breathing.

Do some breeds snore more often than others?

Yes, there are actually some breeds of dogs that are more prone to snoring than others. Breeds with short snouts or flat faces are more likely to do this. This is because their airways are shorter, making it harder for them to inhale the air.

These breeds are known as brachycephalic dogs. These include pugs, bulldogs, boxers, Shih Tzus and Boston terriers, among others. If you have a dog like this, it is perfectly “normal” for those dogs to snore. However, you should know that there is no guarantee that your four-legged friend will not snore despite not being a short-headed breed of dog.

Because the position in which your dog lies down to sleep can also be a trigger for snoring. Just like the shape of its neck and the length of its muzzle. All of these factors can cause dogs to snore.

If you notice that your dog is snoring while sleeping, you should carefully try to change his sleeping position and see if anything changes. In addition, you can also put your dog’s head a little higher. This can also cause the snoring to subside. A pillow that your pet can rest their head on could be a helpful solution.

A humidifier could also give your dog some relief. This increases the humidity in the room, which can make him sleep better. However, if your dog’s snoring becomes worrying, you should see a veterinarian to discuss next steps or any surgery that may be required.

If dogs snore, it could also be due to their weight

In addition, being overweight can also be a cause of snoring. You need to know that being overweight or pathologically obese can cause excess fat to build up in the throat as well. This extra tissue then potentially blocks the airways and makes breathing difficult.

This can be very dangerous as the rings of a dog’s windpipe could collapse or block while it sleeps. Obesity also causes numerous other health problems. It is therefore important to ensure that your dog sheds a few pounds when he is overweight.

Dogs snore - sleeping dog

Allergies can also be a cause of dogs to snore

Dogs can also be allergic to dust, pollen, perfumes and dander from other animals. And these allergies often make breathing difficult, which in turn can lead to snoring.

If your dog has an allergy and for this reason snores frequently while sleeping, you should wash his bedding daily. We also recommend that you vacuum regularly and use an air filter. And make sure that you take your dog for a walk during the times of the day when the pollen concentration and traffic are lower.

Snoring and dental problems

Another trigger for snoring can be abscesses and tissue overgrowth in the oral cavity or sinuses. If your dog has an infection and it has not been treated properly, it can spread further through the body. This can lead to more serious problems. Therefore, you should regularly examine your dog’s mouth and pay particular attention to signs of inflammation of the teeth and gums.

Dogs snore - dog is resting

Congestion of the nose and upper airways

In addition, your dog could have a foreign object in his nose that is preventing him from breathing. For example, it could be a piece of your pet’s favorite toy, grass seed, or other plant material they found while walking in nature.

If you notice your dog sneezing repeatedly or rubbing his snout over and over again, this could be a sign that something is in his nose. In addition, a blockage can lead to the discharge of nasal secretions. In this case, you should thoroughly examine your dog’s snout and if you suspect that there is a foreign object there, we recommend that you see a veterinarian. He will professionally remove the foreign body.

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