The Legal Advice Center For Investigating Animal Abuse

A group of researchers and students from the Universidad Libre in Cúcuta set up the legal advice center for investigating animal abuse. You want to be of service to the community.
The legal advice center for investigating animal abuse

Colombia is well advanced in the field of animal rights and nature conservation. The first legal advice center to investigate animal abuse was founded at the Universidad Libre in Cúcuta .

Read more about it in this post.

The first legal advice center to investigate animal abuse

Literally translated, it is called the legal advice center for the protection of non-human animals.

The name sounds interesting at first, but if you think about it, it fits well. Humans are animals too, and that’s one reason we should also be educating about animal abuse .

The aim of the facility is to help and advise people who have questions about the laws and regulations for animals in Colombia.

The reaction of the locals was very positive and there are new consultations every day.

A group of researchers and students from the university set up the Animal Abuse Aid Legal Service.

It is not “just” activists but also lawyers who want to be of service to the community.

They work with public and private institutions as well as individuals and advise on the application of current animal welfare laws.

The position is headed by the researcher Carlos Andrés Muñoz. He examines the law point by point and looks for strengths and weaknesses for the cases presented. Muñoz and his team want to reduce cruelty to animals.

Legal services in dealing with animals and animal abuse education

The Animal Abuse Aid Legal Service is run by students and researchers.

The service is even free! It is aimed on the one hand at private or public organizations, in particular at authorities that deal with the relevant provisions on a daily basis.

On the other hand, it is also intended for people who need advice on animal abuse.

In addition, legal disputes can be submitted to the judge in the northern part of the province of Santander for assessment.

Services were provided in more than 60 cases in the first month. This includes consultations with the police and the Cúcuta city council.

According to Muñoz, development will be slow because the animal rights laws are not yet well known. However, it is a big step forward for the legal protection of animals.

The aim is to work together with other colleges and universities in Colombia in order to contribute something to the education of animal abuse.

For example, if an animal is abused, you will need to work with the veterinarian to determine the nature of the injury.

In return, they hope that legal advice will lead to better informed citizens. A family ignorantly might be holding a wild animal that is dangerous or illegal. With the spread of information, such situations should become increasingly rare.

Animal rights are not a fad. Since ancient times there have been people who have campaigned for the education of animal abuse.

For example, the Buddhist and Hindu religions practice vegetarianism and are guided by the principle of non-violence – both in animals and in humans.

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