The Guardian Of The Dog Island

There is an island in Pakistan where only dogs live. Find out more about this story here.
The guardian of the dog island

The global situation of poverty and food shortages also affects those who are least expected. Even though the victims of these problems are often discussed, we always forget another type of victim: the animals … One example of this is the dog island in Pakistan.

If you want to know why this place is called Dog Island , then read on.

The dog island and its protector

The island is so named because only dogs live on it. How this happened cannot be traced, but dogs have been the only inhabitants of this island for decades.

However, there is no food and no water here! The dogs would therefore die of thirst and starve if they weren’t looked after by a wonderful, generous person: Muneer, the guardian of the dog island.

Muneer is a Pakistani fisherman who does his job near Dog Island. Every time Muneer comes to the island, he is welcomed with joy by the dogs, because they know that he is bringing them food and water.

Why is Muneer doing this? He himself answers this question as follows:

What is the importance of dogs in Pakistan?

Following this quote, one might think that dogs and other animals in Pakistan are generally well cared for and loved as well. But the streets of Karachi, the country’s financial capital, are full of street dogs.

The residents of this city believe that dogs are dirty and unclean.  The government is promoting campaigns to poison dogs that reproduce uncontrollably. In 2016, more than 700 dogs died in this way.

The guardian of the dog island is not alone

Other people also prove their love for animals by helping dogs in need, like Muneer. Here some examples:

  • Mustafa Ele from Istanbul: The city in Turkey is known as the city of cats because the animals are just everywhere. However, not all Samptpaws have a place of refuge. Mustafa has therefore opened a mosque so that these poor cats can find shelter and eat there.
  • Wan Yan: This man from China even went one step further and spent all of his fortune in the millions on street dogs to provide them with food and provide them with shelter. When he saw how many animals were living on the streets of his city, he decided he had to do something. And that’s exactly what he did!
  • A retirement home for animals: A woman had her house rebuilt in order to offer old animals a dignified and happy life in their final years. She spent all of her money on food, vet, and medicine. Many people should follow this example!
  • New Yorker Tafeln: The world capital also wanted to join the initiative to help animals. One began to provide not only the needy people, but also their pets with food.

Fortunately, there are many people out there who give us hope and help animals in need.

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