The Dog Is Man’s Best Friend

The dog is man’s best friend. But how much truth is there actually in this statement? In today’s article we want to share our thoughts on this question with you.
The dog is man's best friend

How many times have we heard and said that the dog is man’s best friend ? But something that repeats itself so often can turn it into just empty words or an everyday saying with no real background. Therefore, today we want to share our reflections with you and find out how much truth there is in this statement.

Where does the saying “the dog is man’s best friend” come from?

Man's best friend

“The dog is man ‘s best friend ”: The origin of this saying can be found in Missouri, USA. There it was pronounced at the end of the 19th century during a trial by the lawyer George Graham Vest .

The lawyer was hired by a man whose dog, Old Drum, was murdered by a neighboring farmer.

In his closing plea, the lawyer gave many of the reasons that are still used today to justify the statement that dogs are considered to be man’s best friends. The speech was then distributed under the title “Tribute to the dog” (in German “Hommage an den Hund”).

Reasons why the dog is considered to be man’s best friend

Everyone has the right to choose their friends, there is no doubt about that. And dogs give us many reasons to consider them good friends. These include the following:

  • You are loyal.
  • We are not discriminated against because of our appearance, age, social status, etc.
  • They notice when something is wrong with us and try to comfort us.
  • Dogs defend us when someone tries to attack us.
  • They are good company for us, save us from loneliness and depression.
  • They can tell if we have an illness.

Is it a sign of friendship that they don’t question us?

However, some of the reasons many cite to affirm that the dog is man’s best friend doesn’t seem like very good at all. And some are even questionable when analyzed more closely.

For example, it is claimed that dogs are our best friends because they don’t judge us. They love us no matter what we do.

On a human level , this doesn’t seem like a good friend’s attitude. Let us take as extreme examples a murderer or a rapist or someone who cheats on helpless elderly people. Shouldn’t this attitude be questioned?

Of course, the dog is not to blame here. He doesn’t have to know what the owner is doing. What we are questioning is the fact that we think it’s a good thing that our bad behavior is not questioned.

Other reasons that might be questioned regarding this friendship

Another aspect that stands out on this topic is the fact that dogs are always with us wherever we take them without ever complaining about it.

And here the question arises, why an animal should hold a grudge against its owner. And the only explanation is that he mistreated him and caused him physical or psychological harm.

So we’re no longer talking about a healthy relationship. A good friend does not hurt his friend, and no friend should endure abuse in the name of friendship.

At this point , it could be said that while a dog can be considered man’s best friend, man is not always the dog’s best friend.

So that humans are also dogs’ best friends

Man's best friend - dog and owner

Also, there is a problem that our relationship with our pet can be bad for us in some cases. For example, if we only live for them and neglect contact with other people.

Regarding the dog as a good friend is definitely a positive thing as long as we can develop all kinds of relationships with people.

It is also important that we fill the famous sentence with content and honor it by becoming the dogs’ best friends. And this is achieved by respecting the nature of dogs, setting clear rules of conduct, taking responsibility for them and taking good care of them and taking care of them.

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