The Crow As A Pet: Totally Crazy?

Their size and need for plenty of space to fly are perhaps the biggest obstacles. However, if you tame them at an early age, they become very affectionate animals.
The crow as a pet: totally crazy?

For some it is a being of the devil, for others it is just another animal. But then there are also those who get a crow as their best friend. It is true that the crow has been valued as a companion animal for centuries.

How do you keep such a bird? The answer is easier than you think. Their needs are similar to those of a parrot or cockatoo.

The crow: a very special animal

Crows are migratory birds and naturally scavengers. They feed on prey or the remains of other animals. In addition, they are also omnivores, which can easily feed on both plants and other animals.

It is important to know that crows are very territorial animals. They will not tolerate any other animal of any species in their environment that is not part of their flock. As soon as they realize that someone does not belong to their family, they begin to attack and abuse that being.

In their natural habitat , they mostly feed on the eggs of smaller birds and grains. Since this menu is not available to them every day, these animals are also skilled hunters of smaller animals.

The crow is a very sociable bird that is much more intelligent than some other animals  . Their intelligence is so developed that they can recognize a human face without major problems.

This is why many people believe that knowing how to properly treat and respect them from the start would make the crow an ideal friend

The crow is a very special animal

Is It Difficult to Keep a Crow as a Pet?

If you try to tame a wild animal, it is likely that it will recognize you and allow you to approach it. But that doesn’t mean you made it.

The bird tolerates your presence and only approaches you because it sees you as a source of food.

However , if we raise our crow from the chick age, it leads to a completely different result. We know that animals come to love us when they have known us from a young age. That means that they develop a deep trust in us.

Thanks to their ability to recognize faces, the crows have no difficulty in recognizing family members. This is especially true for those who feed them every day.

Unlike other domestic birds, a crow is not allowed to spend much time in a cage. The animal’s wings break if it doesn’t use them regularly.

If you cannot do without a cage, you should choose a very large one so that the animal can move around.

However, crows are also able to open their cages and escape them. That means this is not an animal for small living spaces. The largest subspecies can grow up to 70 cm, with a wing span of up to 150 cm.

Benefits of having a crow as a pet

Once you’ve managed to raise a pet crow, it offers you many advantages over other birds. Crows are hunters, so they keep insects away from your home.

A distinctive feature of the crows is that they can repeat more words than a parrot.

It so happens that crows acquire a great deal of human vocabulary, and some of them even understand the relationship between word and meaning.

Wild crows

Many people think crows are stubborn and aggressive. That’s true, but only if they live in freedom. Tamed crows behave very differently. They treat their family members very lovingly and tenderly. 

Some specimens are even quite playful, but that’s not always the case.

The diet of crows is not complicated, as they can eat other animals as well as different species of grain. The case of Rudi shows how these animals behave when they are lovingly raised.

Negative aspects

There is so much affection for a reason: crows are very jealous animals. Domesticated and wild crows do not tolerate any other animals in their environment because they are very territorial.

If you have one or more other pets, think twice about whether you really want to raise a crow.

Crows are very interesting animals because of their high intellect and it seems like at least one rumor about them is true. They really love shiny items ! That’s why they sometimes steal things that don’t belong to them and hide them.

If you have the necessary patience and will, then you can definitely make a crow a lifelong friend.

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