The Basset Fauve De Bretagne, A Good Friend

The Basset fauve de Bretagne is a cheerful, loving and robust dog. Due to its character and size, it is also ideal for the home.
The Basset fauve de Bretagne, a good friend

The Basset fauve de Bretagne is a recommended and unknown dog. However, the hunting world knows more about this incredible breed because it has excellent qualities for these requirements. Other than that, this basset  hound is also a perfect dog to keep you company at home.

His cheerful and personable appearance, together with a medium-small size, makes him a very recommendable dog. Don’t forget, however, that he needs regular exercise!

History of the Basset fauve de Bretagne

The Basset fauve de Bretagne is, as the name suggests, from Brittany, where he was mainly used for hunting in the small game.

His size and instinct make him a perfect hunting dog for rabbits and hares, which has encouraged his massive breeding for this purpose over the past century.

The hard and coarse coat makes this dog more secure in entering areas with low scrub where other dogs would injure themselves or get caught. Its short legs give it the natural beacon position that is perfect for tracking down prey.

Little by little it spread throughout Europe and France immediately appreciated its good physical prowess for hunting. It is still used for this purpose today, but is increasingly being kept as a pet as well, which frankly is good for the Basset fauve de Bretagne.

Basset fauve de Bretagne, a good hunting dog

Characteristics of the Basset fauve de Bretagne

Due to its size, this lovable dog is ideal for an apartment. He is satisfied with little space and is quiet enough in the house so that living together is 100% satisfactory.

What this little one needs is regular exercise. He has far greater physical stamina than his appearance suggests and he has to let off steam from time to time.

It weighs around 15 kilograms and is around 35 centimeters high. It weighs a lot for its height because it is very long and wide. His head is also large in proportion to his body, which gives him a fun look when he is sitting.

His character contradicts his appearance: he is a very courageous and determined dog, has a lot of confidence in his body and is rarely afraid ; his hunting ancestors shaped his character.

But do not worry, because he is a very sociable dog and very loving to children.

Special care

The robustness of this breed makes it an animal that rarely gets sick and has neither genetic nor species-specific diseases. This basset does not need any aesthetic care either, because the beauty of its appearance lies in its disheveled fur.

The Basset fauve de Bretagne is easy to care for

Life expectancy is around 10 years, but with good care it can live to be 12 years. He is a wonderful companion dog that will bring you great joy.

Even in winter it is not necessary to protect it: its strong fur makes it resistant to cold and rain, which is typical of the region it comes from. Also, because of its roughness, hair dries quickly, which is very useful if you live in an apartment.

Daily exercise and a good diet are all the Basset fauve de Bretagne needs to be happy and to maintain vitality. Otherwise, every day you will get the love and protection that a hunting dog can give.

Another peculiarity of his character is that his astuteness makes him a little suspicious of the first few encounters and prefers to keep his distance until he is trusted.

After this little sampling phase, he will become a loyal and loving dog that you can have fun and play with whenever you want. And thanks to his long bedtime, he also lets you rest …

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