Special Care For Dogs With Wrinkles

Parasites can lodge in the folds and cause infections in dogs
Special care for dogs with wrinkles

Wrinkled dogs are really cute. We have already told you about different races. This also includes the Shar Pei, which is the wrinkled dog in the world.

However, caring for dogs with wrinkles requires special  attention, patience, and time. In our article we will therefore tell you more about this topic.

Why do dogs with wrinkles need special care?

We don’t want to deny that wrinkled dogs look really cute. However, this outward trait needs certain care, otherwise it can lead to health problems that dogs without so many wrinkles will not have.

  • Infections. Because so much of the skin surface is hidden, mites can lodge, heat allergies or mucins can occur. These are substances in the mucus that can cause problems.
  • Eye problems. When these dogs are born, most of their eyes are covered with skin. This can lead to irritation or even temporary impairment of vision.
  • Mange can develop quickly. Although this parasite settles under the skin, it is always looking for moist, soft tissue to crawl on. The skin of these dog breeds makes an ideal home for the parasite.
  • The animals tend to be overweight. Dogs with wrinkles quickly put on a few extra pounds. Experts believe that the metabolism is not stimulated by the large amount of skin. The animals always feel well covered and no longer have to produce heat.
  • Due to the metabolism, stomach problems quickly arise if the animals are not given a balanced diet.
  • Dogs with wrinkles have different carpal bones than their fellow breeds. They can tip over when they start walking.
  • Problems with the anus. Because the wrinkles cover most of their body, especially when they are puppies, we may skip the sensitive area of ​​the anus. This can lead to infections.

Wrinkled dog

What special care do dogs with wrinkles need?

To avoid problems with your pet, you can follow these tips. This is how you keep a healthy, happy dog ​​that will keep you company for many years.

Cleanse its wrinkles

That is the most important step. You should take a baby wipe or a special product for your dog about every two days (depending on how much time the dog spends outdoors and in contact with other animals) to clean it thoroughly between the wrinkles.

This will help you remove any dust, grime, and other substances that could create problems. Also, while doing this, gently lifting the wrinkles around the eyes to make sure there is no infection and the view is clear.

Don’t forget about the most sensitive areas, such as the ears, anus and genitals.

Examine your dog

The folds of these breeds make the perfect home for fleas and parasites. It’s damp, dark and they can do their mischief in secret.

Look between the folds and look for unwanted “lodgers” that may have taken root.

Special care for wrinkled dogs

While there are special products available, make sure that the wrinkles stand apart until the skin is dry. Otherwise, use of the product may cause irritation.

Eat him well

High quality dog ​​food contains all the nutrients necessary to keep your pet healthy and at its ideal weight. If you buy special food for these breeds, you will also prevent stomach and digestive problems.

Deworm your dog

Deworming is important in all dogs. This is especially true of these types of breeds that have sensitive stomachs. Dewormer it regularly to avoid problems in the first place. 

Keeping pets always means responsibility at the same time. This is especially true for dogs with wrinkles. We have to work a little harder with them so that they are healthy and happy.

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