Since You Were Gone …

Since you’ve been gone, I’ve been thinking of you all the time, I don’t want to forget you.
Since you been gone ...

The loss of a dog is a severe blow, only those who have experienced it once know what it means. A pet is part of the family, but when it’s no longer there, most people keep thinking: “How everything has changed since you left. ..”

Everyone copes with this loss in different ways, but you too may identify with the author of a letter that you can read afterwards.

Since you left, I’ve been thinking of you all the time …

Since you've been gone I've been thinking of you all the time ... Letter to a dog

Since you left, my faithful friend, my faithful companion, my quiet confidante, the house has been filled with a terrifying silence.

Every day when I get home I slowly open the door, careful not to hit you in the face, then it occurs to me that you are no longer there.  Every morning when I wake up I whistle, find you and wait for you to say good morning to you. Only then do I realize that you are no longer here.

The seat cushion that you loved so much is empty, now it seems ugly and sad to me. Because it was you who made something special out of him when you lay on it.

I look at your bed and your food bowl, I haven’t had the courage to remove them yet, I fill them with food and water, hoping that you will come back. But I know that is not possible. I would choose you again and again if I could and hope you think so too.

Since you been gone…

Since you’ve left , I just want to sit on the sofa and look into the void. I remember our shared experiences that  no one can take away from me.

I’ve never been a photo lover, but how lucky I am to have some of us! I don’t want to forget you, I want your little face to always come to mind when I think of you and I know the photos will help me. How can I forget you? You were such an important part of my life! Since you left I’ve been very scared …

Since you’ve been gone, I’ve been looking at your shampoo, your towel, your perfume … the perfume that always made you sneeze and run. When I first saw this I thought you were obsessed.

How much we laughed together! How much you made me laugh! I hardly smile since you left, I think it will only be a matter of time. But you were one of the reasons for my laughter, one of the reasons for my joy, one of the joys of my life.

Since you been gone…

Since you left, I always think of you when I walk past the park, when I take out the garbage, because you always wanted to come with me. When I go to the vet, I have bad memories, we said goodbye there. But I can also remember the first time I took you to the vet.

I've been lonely since you left

At the first vaccination you were shaking with fear, I wanted to comfort you, to be your mother and father at the same time. After the hairdresser, you were always beautiful, like a ball of wool. I wanted to hug you, but you didn’t like that.

Since you’ve been gone I’ve been thinking of you all the time, I don’t want to forget you. I reflect on our moments together in order to cope with the bitter time and not think about our goodbyes. Everything has changed since you left. I know I’ll smile again because the friendship we had was worth it.  My smile will be the best gift for you wherever you are.

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