Seizure Of Possession: A Dog Saves His Friend From The Washing Machine

A golden retriever who wanted to prevent “his best friend,” a stuffed animal named Teddy, from drowning in the washing machine.
Seizure of possession: a dog saves his friend from the washing machine

There are toys for our dear dogs that are essential. Among them is his stuffed animal, which can even be a very special friend in the washing machine. Seizure isn’t all cute, though.

We’re talking about the story of a Golden Retriever who wanted to prevent “his best friend,” a stuffed animal named Teddy, from drowning in the washing machine. And he did not hesitate to come to his rescue. Somehow he knew his stuffed animal would never be the same once it was washed.

Its owners suspected that the golden retriever would have some kind of reaction when it saw its teddy bear being tossed in the washing machine. So they set up a camera and filmed everything.

The soap would make Teddy very clean and the fabric softener would make him fluffy. Not only that, the dog knew Teddy would get dizzy in the washing machine. So the dog decided to come to his rescue.

Love toys even in the washing machine

In many cases, many dogs’ obsession with objects or toys can have strange connotations. Dogs tend to be very possessive about things they think are very valuable, like food or toys.

Remember that dogs are descended from wolves who live in packs and obey the law of ownership, especially when resources are limited. In this type of wild life, there is one important rule they respect which is that no one can take anything that belongs to a parent of the pack.

On the other hand , experts say that when the dog takes a toy and does not want to return it, the dog is actually questioning its owner’s authority. That is, he forgets one of the main rules of coexistence. This behavior can be due to the stress and anxiety our dog feels that has not been controlled in time.

In this sense it may seem funny, the seizure seen in dogs. But it would be the same as laughing at a person who has a severe addiction. In addition, the seizure may , over time, among others, to an aggressive attitude towards the family and strangers lead. It is very important in these cases to teach him to share things and to respect authority.

The occupation and the aggression

If your pet tries to bite you when you approach their food or sleeping area, this can be disappointing behavior, but they have a solution.

This type of aggression is aggressive behavior by dogs, usually exhibited by grunts, aggressive postures, or bites, all of which are aimed at those approaching properties that the animal understands to be its own. This is also known as resource conservation, and in general, the owners of the dogs are the ones who bear the brunt of the burden.

If your pet tries to attack you when you get near their belongings, it is because they are trying to tell you to back off and not take their object. Seizure can affect almost anything. His food, toys, sleeping space and anything else the dog considers his property, although we think these are not that important.

Seizure and its causes

The origin of these behaviors can be genetic or learned. It is normal for some puppies to show this type of posture only a few weeks after they are born. And the reason may be a genetic predisposition passed on from their mothers to protect their resources.

In other cases, it is dogs who learn to attack in situations where they feel there is competition for their stuff. As happens for example with protection dogs or if you have more than one pet at home.

It is important that we consider whether we and our attitudes stimulate this attitude of dogs to protect their resources. For example, it may be typical that our puppy steals an object or a toy, runs away to play with him because he is curious about these objects. And we run after him, intending to forcibly take it away from him. With these actions we stimulate his propensity to possess.

How should we behave?

When our pups take possession of something, we need to take it away from them through playing and caressing so that they understand that they must obey their owners. But in no case should this involve violence.

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