Pigeon Species In Spain

There are five different species of pigeons in Spain: find out how to recognize them in our article!
Pigeon species in Spain

There are different species of pigeons in Spain. Almost everyone can recognize the animals, but only a few know what different species there are.

Pigeon species in Spain

Science calls them Columbidae  and there are five quite different species in Spain, which we describe to you below:

Pigeon species in Spain: rock pigeon

The rock pigeon is certainly the most common of the pigeon species in Spain . Still, it’s the hardest to tell apart and that’s because of the many blends.

They are also called rock pigeons because they don’t live in trees, but rather in rocky areas.

Pigeon on the grass

The rock pigeon became the domesticated pigeon, but it is usually a mixture of different variations. That is why it is so difficult to distinguish this species from the mixed breed city pigeons.

However, there are several features that make them stand out. Rock pigeons have two black stripes on their wings, which can be clearly seen when they are closed. In addition, it has a white rump between the wings, approximately at the level of the stripes.

Wood pigeon

The wood pigeon is the largest species in the Iberian Peninsula and in all of Europe. It lives in forests and grows up to 43 cm. She lives in southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Wood pigeon in flight

You can easily recognize this species of pigeon because it is large and has a white spot on its neck. The edge of the wing has a marking that can be seen very well in flight.

Pigeon species in Spain: stock dove

The stock dove is possibly the least known of the pigeon species in Spain. This is because it is a shy and smaller animal than its conspecifics. It lives mainly in forest areas.

Exotic pigeon species from Spain

Most of the body is a solid gray, with no white spots. They only have a light gray rump and a few black spots on their wings.

Turkish dove

The turkish dove is originally from Asia, but in the last century it has naturally spread across Europe.

It made its way to Spain in the 1980s, where it spread across the country, even the Balearic and Canary Islands. 

In North America and Japan, it is known as an exotic invasive species.

Pigeon in the water

The turkish dove is easy to recognize: it has light gray plumage with a dark gray band on the neck. She actually prefers to live in the country, but she is also very common in city centers.

Their ability to colonize is reminiscent of other feathered animals, such as the cattle egret.

Pigeon species in Spain: turtle dove

The turtledove is the least common of all pigeon species in Spain. She is shy and prefers rural areas. In contrast to the other pigeon species, they are rarely found in the vicinity of humans.

Pretty species of pigeons in Spain

It is the smallest and does not grow larger than 27 cm.

The wings are particularly beautiful because they are colored light brown and black and offer the impression of scales. The black and white stripes on the neck are also striking and make it one of the most beautiful bird species in Spain.

These are just the pigeon species found in Spain. There are over 300 species worldwide that are unfortunately little known.

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