Not Recognized Dog Breeds According To FCI Classification

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) groups dog breeds according to physical characteristics and temperament. There are a total of 10 different groups. In addition, each group is divided into further sections. However, there are dog breeds that are not recognized for a variety of reasons.
Not recognized dog breeds according to FCI classification

Unrecognized dog breeds that do not meet the requirements of the FCI are often supported by other dog organizations. Read more about it in this post.

Dog breeds not recognized according to FCI classification

There are a total of 9 unrecognized dog breeds that are not in the breed standard of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). These include, for example:

1. American Pit Bull Terrier

Originally from the United States, this breed has not found acceptance with the FCI due to the breed controversy (related to dog fighting).

However, the American Pit Bull Terrier has been recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), a US organization that issues its own management recommendations.

There are 9 non-recognized dog breeds according to the FCI.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a medium-sized dog weighing up to 30 kg with a large head, small, wide-open eyes and a strong jawbone.

The fur can be any color, with white, black, and brown being the most common. In some countries, keeping the American Pit Bull Terrier is illegal.

2. Boerboel

This dog is of South African origin, Molosser type and comes from the cross between a Bullmastiff, a Great Dane and a now extinct bull biter.

It is a guard dog breed that is well suited for heavy-duty work and is standardized by continental associations.

He can weigh up to 90 kg and measure 75 cm at the withers. The fur is light brown, gray, brown, maroon or black, with a soft and short structure.

The Boerboel is obedient, trustworthy, affectionate, playful and very protective towards his family (up to and including aggressiveness towards strangers).

Plus, he’s not afraid of anything and is very confident. You can’t keep it in an apartment because it’s very big and needs a lot of space to run.

3. Alano Español

The Alano Español is a medium-sized hunting or attack dog. It originated from the crossbreeding of several breeds, such as the old English bulldog and the extinct bull biter.

This breed was only recognized by the Real Sociedad Canina de España . It is of the Molossian type, with a large head, short and thick fur (red, black, gray or brindle), a short snout and thick skin with folds on the neck.

He looks a little tense, but unlike what it seems, he’s very calm. In addition, the Alano Español is confident, courageous and very loyal.

4. American bulldog

American bulldogs are also not recognized dog breeds under the FCI.

The breed originated in the southeastern United States to protect livestock and aid hunters.

The American Bulldog is medium-sized, sturdy, compact, and quite agile and powerful.

The fur is short, smooth and white, brown, red or brindle. This bulldog has a large head, droopy-lipped muzzle, and a black nose.

The American Bulldog is another breed of dog that is not recognized by the FCI but by the AKC.

As for the temperament, it is a sociable, intelligent, very active, dominant tie that is affectionate and protective to other dogs. It works well for families who live in a house.

The American bulldog is one of the unrecognized dog breeds

5. Akbaş

This breed has its origins in Turkey, where it was bred for herding sheep a few centuries ago.

The name means “white head”. As for his appearance, he is similar to the Great Pyrenees.

For a long time he shared his name with two other Turkish breeds (Kangal and Kars) under the name Anatolian Shepherd Dog. They are now separated and the Akbaş have an international association.

There are two variants: one with short and one with long hair. Both are white and very willing to work. The Akbaş is a calm dog when not on duty and takes good care of the sheep to be herded.

The other dog breeds not recognized by the FCI are Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs (from the USA), Kangal Shepherd Dogs (Turkey), the Klee Kai (Alaska) and Shikoku (Japan).

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