My Dog ​​is Reluctant To Brush – What To Do?

Brushing is the key to a hygienic and well-groomed, shiny dog ​​coat, which is why it is so important that you slowly get your dog used to it

Our dogs love us like crazy, but when it comes to brushing, they literally run away from us! Whether we’ve just given them a bath or it’s just about daily brushing , most dogs run away .

If you’re one of those people whose furry friend is also afraid of the brush, then we have some advice for you to change that.

My dog ​​is reluctant to brush: what can I do?

Brushing is an essential part of dog hygiene. This is how you remove loose hair, the fur stays clean and shiny and the animal looks better. It also removes dead skin cells.

That is why it is so important that the dog allows us to brush it. The only question is how do we do it? We have some tips for you below.

Get him used to the brush

Should show you that he feels afraid of the brush your dog so you can help him to make friends with her, by you get used it in her presence.

To do this, lay the brush on the floor and put some of his favorite treats around it. Give it the opportunity to approach, sniff at it and eat its reward.

If there is then nothing left to eat around the brush, he may start playing with it. Don’t force him to do anything, let him approach the object on his own.

Instead of picking the brush off the floor, let it become another toy for him. As a result, he quickly gets used to her presence and notices that nothing will happen to him when the brush is near him. 

Check the brushes

Check which brush you are using. It may not be appropriate for your dog. There are many different dog brushes and which one to use depends on the dog’s size, coat type and length.

Talk to your vet to make the best choice. The wrong brush can damage your dog’s skin, which may be why he ripped off.

Choose the right moment

So now you know that you have acquired the right brush for your fur nose. But don’t try it out on him right away. Hide them near your seat. Your four-legged friend is sure to come running to you.

Caress him a little, and when he’s relaxed and not looking at you, you can start brushing him gently. Start with your hands first, then use the brush and alternate again so it doesn’t get too aggressive for him.

Learn the correct technique for brushing

Your dog may be reluctant to brush because your technique isn’t right. Sometimes we move the brush too slowly for fear of hurting him. The opposite is true. You may also be too rude about this.

Depending on the dog’s coat, we have to use one or the other brushing technique. Also, keep in mind that dogs with knots in their fur cannot be brushed in the same way.

First remove the knots

A dog with knots in its fur suffers terribly when we try to brush it out. It is best to find the knots with our hands and carefully try to loosen them with them too. You can also use a comb to do this.

If the fur is too tightly knotted, we need scissors. If the knots are very large because you haven’t brushed your dog in a while, you may need to cut them out.

Use products that soften the fur

In pet shops you can buy products that can be used on both wet and dry fur.

They help to untangle the fur. Using these products will help the brush slide through the coat and make the procedure less bothersome to your dog.

We know that some tasks are a little more uncomfortable than others, especially when it comes to keeping our pets hygienic. But with this advice and a little patience, you can do it.

Then you will never say “My dog ​​is reluctant to brush!”

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