My Dog ​​doesn’t Want To Have His Teeth Brushed!

In these cases, you need to be extra empathetic and patient to clean your dog’s teeth. Gentle approach and positive reinforcement can simplify the cleaning process. Your fur nose shouldn’t be afraid, but associate daily hygiene with something positive. 

No matter how much your dog loves you, he may run away from you if he sees you with a dog’s toothbrush. If your dog doesn’t want to have his  teeth  brushed, today’s tips can be of great help. 

Useful tips on how to make it easier for dogs to brush their teeth

The right moment

You already know that sometimes you have to cheat dogs to get what you want. If your dog refuses to brush his teeth , wait a quiet moment,  perhaps when he is tucking in your lap, and start petting him near his mouth.

You can then examine his teeth and then use dog toothpaste and a special toothbrush to clean his teeth. In this position it will be easier for you.

Choose the appropriate method

There are two different ways to brush your dog’s teeth. You can use a cheesecloth or a special brush with some toothpaste. If the dog refuses in principle, we recommend cleaning with a gauze at the beginning.

This means there is less pressure and it can be easier. Keep in mind, however, that this method isn’t as effective as using a brush,  so you should switch to a dog toothbrush after you’ve settled in.

When buying a toothbrush,  choose a model with soft bristles and an anatomical shape so that the brush adapts to your dog’s teeth. It will be easier for the fur nose to get used to it and to have its teeth cleaned.

Toothpaste for dogs

Now you have to choose the right toothpaste. Your velvet paw may not like the smell or taste of the toothpaste as it irritates their sense of smell. Remember, you should  never use human toothpaste! There is a wide range of specialty products, including odorless and tasteless toothpastes, to help your dog learn to accept the cleaning ritual better.

What is the best way to brush your teeth?

When cleaning your dog’s teeth, especially at the beginning, try to  move gently and not apply too much pressure. Talk to your dog and stroke it so that the four-legged friend can relax and the procedure will be a little easier the next time.

Your fur nose has earned a reward

Dogs then refuse to do certain things when they associate them with  negative situations. It is therefore advisable to give the dog a pleasant reward after cleaning its teeth.

Give your four-pawed friend one of their favorite dog biscuits or some other snack they love. So he can associate a positive experience with brushing his teeth,  which will make things a little easier next time.

Pamper your furry friend

In addition to having a dog biscuit, you should also pet your  dog and acknowledge his or her performance to make him feel good. Say positive words like “good” or “well done” and show him that you love him. Your dog will surely be grateful to you for this and will be a little calmer and more willing the next time with oral hygiene.

Remember that dental care is just as important to your dog as it is to yourself! With a little patience and psychology, you can achieve almost anything from your loyal friend. Effort, constancy and love are the keys to this.

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