Make Dog Toothpaste Yourself

Home remedies or homemade products are often cheaper and more effective
Make dog toothpaste yourself

While it is very important for the dog’s health, we neglect brushing our teeth far too often. Without this care, however, bacteria can build up in the mouth, causing infections and causing greater damage. Would you like to know how you can easily make dog toothpaste yourself? We’ll tell you here!

Too often, in-store products specifically designed for dogs are overpriced and not very effective. For this reason, it is often better to switch to home remedies or homemade products. We are now showing you how you can make your own dog toothpaste at home.

Making dog toothpaste is a lot easier than you think!

There are many ways to make toothpaste yourself, and all of them are very effective at fighting bacteria and tartar. Here we have put together some recommendations for you:

Baking soda for perfect oral hygiene for your dog

Baking soda has long been known to be effective in human oral hygiene and it can also be safely used on our pets. Here is a recipe for an effective homemade dog toothpaste for you.

You need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of water or chicken broth (for better taste)
  • Some coconut oil
  • Some cinnamon (makes for a good breath)
  • Two drops of colloidal silver to kill bacteria

Mix all the ingredients together and store the mixture in a glass container in the refrigerator. Cool storage is especially important if you used chicken broth in the preparation. Dip your dog’s toothbrush into the dog toothpaste and use it to gently brush your dog’s teeth.

Dog toothpaste for your four-legged friend

All ingredients have a specific function. Without a doubt, this recipe is a particularly effective dog toothpaste that you can easily make yourself.

Pure colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is known for its antibacterial properties. It has proven to be very effective for a long time and is therefore perfect as a homemade toothpaste for our four-legged friends. All you have to do is put a few drops of the colloidal silver on a toothbrush and use it to brush your dog’s teeth.

Coconut oil

To make this dog toothpaste, you will need mint, baking soda, and coconut oil. It is best to use a glass container and mix two tablespoons of coconut oil, two tablespoons of baking soda and a drop of mint oil together.

If you can’t find the mint oil, you can mix a few mint leaves with the rest of the ingredients and let it steep overnight to give the mixture a flavor.

Store the dog toothpaste in the refrigerator overnight so that the flavor and ingredients of the mint can fully develop. Then you can use this effective mixture to brush your dog’s teeth. However, you should use this paste within five days. 

Dog toothpaste and dog toothbrush

As a great side effect, the mint prevents bad breath in dogs. The oil acts as a “glue” between the different ingredients and ensures that everything is mixed well. It is also an excellent caries fighter.

Lemon and yeast

Another Easy Dog Toothpaste Recipe! With a little yeast, grated lemon zest and a little salt, you can easily mix a very effective dog toothpaste.

Place all of the ingredients in a sealable glass container or cocktail shaker and shake everything until a smooth paste is formed. To prevent the toothpaste from spoiling so quickly and to prevent the yeast from fermenting, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator.

The lemon not only prevents bad breath, it also brightens the teeth. The salt in this mixture helps with minor swellings and wounds, while the yeast works against bacteria and prevents tartar.

We hope these recipes will help you maintain your dog’s oral health. Don’t forget to brush your four-legged friend’s teeth at least two to three times a week. The rest is done by the natural products that you can buy anywhere.

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