Jogging With The Dog – 10 Tips

Jogging is an excellent activity that humans and dogs can experience together. Read our 10 tips on the subject.
Jogging with the dog - 10 tips

Once you’ve decided to jog  your dog , our ten tips will help you get started on this healthy and productive pastime. Jogging  is a popular fitness activity among people. It is therefore not surprising  that it is also healthy and advisable for dogs.

Our fur noses need exercise so that they can spend time with other dogs and enjoy the fresh air. So it can be a good idea  to run with our dogs too. We just have to consider a few things.

Follow your veterinarian’s advice

It is best to have the animal examined by a veterinarian beforehand so that we can be sure that it is in good health. Cardiovascular problems, joint diseases or other complications should be excluded.

Dogs like to jog with their mistress or master.

Check legal requirements beforehand

Before you go jogging with your dog, make sure that this activity is also allowed by the city council.  For example, there are places where dogs are not allowed to walk without a leash or where they are not allowed to be at all.

Calculate your route before you go jogging

It is particularly important in the first few days to calculate the route exactly.  New places always arouse the curiosity of our furry friend and can sometimes scare them.

Therefore, you should make sure that there is not too much traffic, that the ground is soft so as not to injure your dog’s paws, and that there is enough lighting on the route.

Check out possible dangers

Although it is not particularly common in the city, as soon as we step off the asphalt, we enter the habitat of a myriad of creatures. Most of them are harmless, but not all.

Take an attached leash with you

Of course, it would be best if the dog could run alongside you without a leash.  But to do this you have to be sure that he is not exposed to any danger and does not disturb other people. Unfortunately this is not always possible. It is therefore advisable to have a suitable leash with you. You can easily get them in pet shops or online.

Think about the temperature

Dogs have a harder time regulating their body temperature than humans, especially when it comes to heat. We should avoid the hottest hours of the day so that the animal does not experience heat shock.

Control food and fluid intake

Just like us humans, it is not advisable for the dog to exercise immediately after eating or drinking.

Dogs do well to exercise

Schedule the training

Especially if both of you are just starting this great activity, plan your training carefully and gradually increase it. It is important not to run like crazy, but to slowly cover longer distances. A personal trainer or a good book can give you competent advice here.

You can’t suddenly jog for 2 hours and then stop.  Regularity is the key to success.

Respect the other athletes and passers-by

The road, the field and the park belong to everyone. Therefore we have to be aware that we share these places with other living beings. Not everyone likes dogs. We should be careful not to run over anyone and not leave the leash too long so that nobody stumbles.

Enjoy your jog

That is perhaps the most important piece of advice. Whatever you do with your dog, always make sure that both of you are enjoying the activity.

Source of the main picture: Constanza Figueroa

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