Irritation Of The Iris In Cats

This eye disease is usually associated with viral diseases in cats and can have serious consequences: lens problems and cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment and blindness.
Irritation of the iris in cats

Our cats’ eyes are often what fascinates us most. Their shape and color are almost hypnotic and, as responsible pet owners, we should make sure they are always healthy too. One of the health problems that limit the visibility of our Samtpfötchen most often is the iritis in cats.  In our article we will explain what it is about and how to treat the inflammation.

What is iris inflammation in cats?

The iris lesion in cats  often related to viral diseases and other serious diseases, such as leukemia together.

It can also be caused by injuries or bruises.  For example, a cat who has been hit in an accident or who has fought with another animal may have irisitis without having another disease.

Causes of iris inflammation

The middle skin of the eye (iris) is the vascular tissue of the eye. It is a layer, an immune barrier, so to speak, that protects the intraocular fluid.

Ursachen der Regenbogenhautentzüdung bei Katzen

Since it is a vascular tissue, it is only natural that viral or other diseases can cause this tissue to change. This leads to cracks or inflammation.

Symptoms and diagnosis of irisitis in cats

The cat owner will quickly recognize the main symptoms of this disease.  If we notice any of the following behaviors, we should consult the veterinarian to avoid worse:

  • The cat avoids light
  • Pain or tears
  • Diminution of vision
  • Appearance of spots in the body of water
  • Pus on the bags under the eyes or eyelids
  • Color changes in the eyes

Symptoms of irisitis in cats

The vet is then the one who decides whether it is iris inflammation or another eye problem  such as conjunctivitis  .

Treatment of iris inflammation in cats

If the specialist diagnoses this disease, then he often prescribes treatment consisting of two components: a specific one and an analgesic.

This means that part of the treatment is aimed at attacking the root of the problem. Corticoids are often used for this. The other ingredient aims to relieve side effects such as pain or swelling. That is why anti-inflammatory agents are used.

Professional treatment is fundamental to avoid the serious consequences of intraocular inflammation:  problems with the lens, such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and blindness.

We would also like to emphasize that the effects of such drugs also depend on the type of iris inflammation and how quickly it is discovered.

Finally, we want to make it clear that iris inflammation caused by an injury is easier to cure. It is the same when diagnosed early. That is why we should always pay attention to the health of our velvet paws. We all want healthy, happy cats after all.

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