Influence Of Pets On Our Lives

Pets have been a part of society for centuries. However, science has only recently started looking at the beneficial effects of pets on human life.
Influence of pets on our lives

The presence of pets has been recorded in human life since time immemorial. The influence of pets on human life has filled books, articles, and other mass media.

Domestic influence: the origin

The oldest relationship between pets and humans is that between dogs and bipeds, which has been confirmed by archaeological finds. Specifically, evidence has been found that domestication of the dog began at the end of the last ice age.

At that time people lived as hunters and gatherers, they were nomads, which is why they did not have a permanent place of residence. Domestication is apparently the result of an interaction process between the two species that lasted tens of thousands of years.

The dog’s ancestors began to interact with humans through protection, feeding, and shelter. This then resulted in coevolution and collaboration.

Nowadays, in Western culture, the number of households that have at least one dog or cat has increased, and those that have several pets at the same time have also increased.

Science and human-pet interaction

In the past, science has placed no importance on human-pet interaction. Darwin suggested that having a pet in the city would have no obvious use. They cost money and time because, among other things, they need food, care and attention.
Even so, people continue to adopt pets and treat them like family members. And science finally realized that the influence of pets on human life is important.

Fellnase belongs to the family

What influence of pets has been noticed in those people who are not afraid of financial consequences?

Attempts have been made to clarify this question in recent years. The relationship between humans and pets has been studied carefully over the past three decades.

The research took place in various disciplines and areas of science, such as psychology, anthropology or history.

Anthrozoology is a discipline that has generated a lot of interest in society. For this reason, scientific publications appeared focusing on this new area of ​​science, as well as the establishment of various associations.

One of these associations is the Human Animal Bond Research Institute, which focuses on disseminating reliable scientific studies on the influence of pets.

Donations are collected to promote research. Postgraduate degrees on the subject have been created in universities in the United States.

Some authors have specialized in the molecular level and suggested that the hormone oxytocin is a relevant factor when it comes to clarifying the question of how pets affect our lives.

This hormone makes it possible to build trust relationships between humans, but also between humans and animals.

Some of the studies have shown that dogs are able to look people in the eye. This is important in relationships in order to gain trust.

As the philosopher Marin Buber put it so beautifully: ” The eyes of an animal have the power to express their own language.”

Oxytocin thus has an impact on the creation of social connections. However, its exact role has not yet been deciphered as it is too complex. Nevertheless, a new term emerged, the “pet effect”.

Man with dog and cat

Influence of pets on our lives: the effect of pets

The pet effect stems from the idea that pets have an extremely positive impact on their caregivers. Various studies have found health benefits, such as increased life expectancy after a heart attack.

It has also been found that social relationships increase, self-esteem is strengthened, and triglyceride and cortisol levels, as well as blood pressure, are lowered.

The presence of a pet enables various sensory positive stimuli associated with the release of oxytocin and the strengthening of the bond between humans and pets.

Scientifically speaking, pets can be said to have physiological, therapeutic, and psychosocial effects on us.

It has been noticed that those who keep pets enjoy more physical activity and this is reflected in positive ways in their health.

Positive influence from pets

That is why pets are beneficial for people of all ages. Of course, the various animal species that can be kept as pets also include dogs and cats.

In short, pets have both short and long term benefits in our lives. We see them as just another family member who brings laughter and happiness to our home. So: invite a pet into your life!

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