How To Teach Your Cat Tricks

Not only dogs can learn to shake paws or fetch. Find out how to teach your cat tricks here!
How to teach your cat tricks

Cats can learn tricks as long as you follow certain rules. It is of course easier to train them when they are young. You can build a close relationship from a young age by training her to teach your cat tricks.

Many people believe that cats are not trainable and unable to learn tricks. But not only dogs can be trained. You can also teach your cat tricks or give commands that will make it easier to live with. Do you want to find out how to do it?
Before you begin, you need to realize that the most important thing you need to do is be patient if you are going to teach your cat anything. Of course, every cat has its own mind. You need to be patient and remember that raising a kitten is different from raising an adult. Are you ready?

How to teach your cat tricks

Can you imagine your cat giving you its paw when you ask for it? Well, maybe you can teach her these and other tricks. Read on to find out how!

Shake hands

How to teach your cat tricks - shake hands

We’ll start with a trick that all pet owners want to teach their pet. Giving your paw, so to speak, shaking your pet’s hand, can give you a lot of joy. We have seen dogs that can, but can cats do it too? Yes!

  • Choose the right time and place. Avoid distractions or loud noises that distract or even make the animal nervous.
  • Choose a command or use a clicker (see below for more information). Decide which word should be your command: it can be, for example, “paw”, “hello” or “hand”.
  • Pick a reward the animal likes. Positive affirmation is the best way to train a pet. A reward is the best motivator for your cat to obey.
  • Shake her paw. While teaching your cat this trick, use the word you picked or the clicker to make the animal combine the two.
  • Show her the reward. When you say the magic word, take her paw and show the reward. She will associate them with all of this and soon learn to obey.

Practice these steps for a few days, and sometimes do so without the reward in your hand. Over time, the cat will learn to do it instinctively and understand what you want.

Let her come when you call for her

  • Pick a treat as a reward.
  • Show the cat the treat when you call, as you would otherwise. But this time she will hear.
  • Always use the same “command” when calling your cat. But don’t always give her the reward right away. Let her smell her, then you congratulate her on coming and give her the reward.
  • Don’t repeat this too often. Animals get tired and bored, they cannot concentrate for so long. Therefore, the training sessions should be short and include breaks that are twice as long as the sessions.  You will see that it works.


How to teach your cat tricks - retrieve

Teach your cat to retrieve with these simple steps. It’s one of the best tricks you can teach a cat.

  • Pick a toy for your cat to fetch and show her. Let them smell it and see it.
  • Throw it as far as you can. Few cats can resist the hunting instinct.
  • She probably won’t catch it, so you’ll have to go get it. If she has it, carefully remove it from her.
  • Go back to the starting point with the cat and the toy. The cat should know you have the toy.
  • Repeat this a few times, and in time your cat should understand what you want from her.
Throwing the toy again will motivate your cat to bring it back. Cats like to catch and fetch things, and they will want to play it more often.

Use a clicker

We already mentioned how convenient this utensil is. It is used to aid in positive reinforcement. This associates a certain behavior with the noise it makes and so you can get closer to your goal.

If you combine rewards with the clicker, you will get good results. Only use it for training. If you use it while playing, you will confuse the animal and it will be impossible to teach your cat tricks.

Do you think you can now teach a cat tricks? Have you already thought of a few? Give it a try and start training your cat!

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