How To Look After Your Horse In Winter

The low temperatures and climatic changes in winter can seriously affect the health of our horses.
How to take care of your horse in winter

In winter, our farm animals and pets have special needs. Have you already thought about how to care for your horse in winter?

The low temperatures and climatic changes can seriously affect the health of our horses. It is therefore important to intensify the care of your horse in winter in order to offer optimal conditions for its development.

In the following we give you some tips on how you can maintain the health of your horse in winter and adapt its stable.

Tips to prepare your horse’s stable for winter

Check the structure of the stable

Even before winter comes, it’s time to check the structure of the stable to make sure it will protect your horse in winter.

It is ideal to pay special attention to the roof, it should be tight and protect against the cold!

Prepare your horse’s stable

Every horse must have a “bed” in its stable in which it can sleep and rest. This area of ​​leisure and recreation should be kept clean and warm. Good lighting and ventilation are also important.

This prevents dirt, dirt, mold or moisture from building up in the barn.

In cold regions, a heating system is ideal to maintain stable temperatures in the barn. In addition, the horse must always have a blanket available, or if you prefer, the groom can cover it himself before going to sleep.


In addition to conditioning and air conditioning, hygiene in the stable is essential to prevent disease.

Daily cleaning to remove leftover feed and dirt is essential to prevent the spread of pathogens and parasites.

Daily ventilation and good natural light are also good partners in fighting moisture and mold. In winter, the humidity can increase, especially on rainy days or when there is snow.

So we need to be extra vigilant to avoid getting fungus or bacteria in the stalls.

Basic care for your horse in winter

1. Diet and water

Nutrition is one of the most important requirements for your horse in winter. At low temperatures, horses usually use more energy to keep their metabolism stable.

In winter you need a more energy-efficient diet that contains high-quality proteins, essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates should also be present, but in moderate amounts to avoid digestive problems and the excessive weight gain.

Consequently, your horse should increase its feed intake in winter. Good quality hay can still be the basis of his diet. You can also supplement these with high-fiber foods such as alfalfa and oats.

We also need to take care of the hydration of our horses in winter. Your horse should always have fresh and clean water available, either indoors or outdoors. In very cold regions, make sure that the water does not freeze.

2. Exercise and grooming

Even when it’s cold outside, your horse needs to be physically active to maintain a healthy weight and stable behavior. Horses like to spend time outdoors  with other horses, even in winter.

Our great friends use the natural warmth of the sun’s rays to fight the cold and feel more energetic. However, don’t forget to control your sun exposure to avoid burning your skin.

In addition to daily exercise, your horse will also benefit from spending time with him in winter. Therefore, remember to reserve some of your time for petting and grooming your horses.

You need to take care of his fur and check his body to rule out parasites or other skin changes.

3. Preventive medicine for your horse

Horses must receive adequate preventive medicine throughout their life.

Since the cold and climatic changes of winter can cause many diseases, from colds to hypothermia, it is imperative to check your health before the season starts.

When taking preventive advice with the specialist veterinarian, it is important to check that their vaccines and deworming are up to date.

It is also recommended that you consult a trained professional to assess the need for a supplement to keep your horse healthy even in winter.

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