How Does Your Dog Sleep? Sleep Positions Can Reveal A Lot

If you want to know your dog’s personality, you should observe their sleeping positions. They are not only funny, but can also reveal a lot about the character of the fur nose. 
How does your dog sleep  Sleep positions can reveal a lot

Our fur noses speak to us constantly through their behavior, their positions and their facial expressions. They use their bodies to express their thoughts, emotions, and state of mind. Your favorite sleeping position can also reveal a lot about your feelings. How  does your dog sleep Watch him to get to know his character better.

Tell me how you sleep and we will tell you who you are

You have probably already heard that our sleeping position can reveal a lot about our state of mind and health. This is also the case with dogs.

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Does your dog sleep huddled up?

You have probably already seen your dog sleep huddled in a ball of fur, especially when it’s cold. The head rests on your legs, the body forms a ball.

is your dog sleeping on the floor?

Dogs love this sleeping position because it allows them to store heat and minimize energy loss. What does this position mean? Your dog feels calm and safe in his home, where he can express himself freely.

“Super Dog” position

In this position, the dog stretches the back legs lengthways backwards, the stomach is flat on the floor or on the carpet, the head is usually between the front legs.

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If your dog sleeps like a superhero in this position, then he is very satisfied and has a lot of energy. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise if the dog rests in this position after a happy walk.

Side position – does your dog sleep like that too?

This position is also very popular with dogs, they sleep so relaxed and comfortable. Dogs that choose this position feel calm and relaxed in their surroundings. 

does your dog sleep on its side?

The classic fainting position

The dog lies on its back and leans its head on the floor. The front legs lie on the stomach, the hind legs are stretched in the air. This allows the fur nose to cool down. In addition, the dog is very quick on its feet when it hears an unknown noise.

does your dog sleep on its back?

Does your dog sleep on its stomach?

As a rule, this sleeping position is only temporary, the dog makes himself bed in this way before he reaches deep sleep. The stomach lies on the floor, the hind legs are spread wide apart, one front leg or both are parallel to the body. Shy dogs also often adopt this position, especially when starting out in a new home.

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Waiting for rain, a fun position

It is very funny to watch this sleeping position. The dog lies on its back on the floor, the hind legs are wide open and the front legs are on the chest. It used to be said that this is how dogs ask for rain.

How long does a dog sleep?

Many dog ​​owners worry about the hours that dogs spend sleeping, especially when they are young. We ourselves need significantly less sleep, but  dogs have a very great need for sleep. 

The amount of sleep depends on the age, size, and health of the dog. In general, small breeds of dogs need less sleep than large ones. Puppies usually sleep between 14 and 16 hours, larger dog breeds even up to 18 hours.

A young animal that has already reached adulthood naturally has more energy than an older fur nose. The same logic applies to healthy animals that have an active metabolism compared to older, sick dogs that  need more sleep due to their physical condition. 

Daily routine also plays an important role. A dog with little exercise will sleep longer to pass the time, because it will receive little stimulation.

And how does your dog sleep? Do you want to share photos with us?

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