How Do You Deal With An Abused Dog?

Abused dogs need special treatment so that they can recover from what has happened in their past
How do you deal with an abused dog?

Animal abuse is an old problem, but today we are learning more about abandoned and abused animals through the internet and social networks. Our first reaction to such cases is usually “Oh, the poor beast” and we feel sorry for him. Compassion, however, does little to help the animal itself. Today we want to show you how to deal with an abused dog.

Compassion alone does not help any animal

Emotions are unconscious feelings and we cannot suppress them. However, we humans are rational beings and can change the way we think to change the way we feel.

Pity for an abused dog

It is quite normal for us to feel sorry, especially when it comes to helpless beings who do not deserve to be harmed. Animals are always victims of their living conditions and we humans can be extremely cruel.

Still, pity is a crippling feeling. W hile we feel compassion, but do nothing, the situation can not change. Compassion is an emotion that only makes us feel bad, but nothing more … It is a completely useless feeling for those who really need our help.

In some cases , compassion can even turn into self-pity. But even in this way we don’t help our beloved four-legged friends …

Dealing with an Abused Dog

We humans are capable of a variety of feelings, not just pity. Any emotion that prompts us to change the situation of an abandoned or abused animal is far more useful. 

To redefine our feelings, we must first change the way we think. To give a quick example, instead of thinking, “Oh, that poor thing,” we should ask ourselves, “What can I do to protect an animal with such a bad past?” or “What can I do to help him?” .

We should turn our compassion into determination because this is the only way we can truly help an abused animal. The feeling of determination moves us to really do something for the living beings who need us and not to remain inactive.

In this way we can help those who take care of such animals, protect other animals from having to experience the same suffering in the future, or we may even take care of the affected animal ourselves so that nothing bad will ever happen to it again happens.

However, we can also turn our compassion into compassion, which is like feeling determined. It makes us stand up for a cause and we make ourselves useful where we are actually needed. Compassion can alleviate suffering and make us want to really change a bad situation.

A short example to illustrate this: When we see a sick or injured animal on the side of the road, we feel pity, give a short sigh and drive on. However, when we feel compassion when we see such an animal on the side of the road, that feeling prompts us to take that animal to the vet to rescue it.

Thanks to our determination , we can change the present and the future of this animal. First we will take care of the animal and then we will leave no stone unturned until we find a good family for it, where it can spend the rest of its life.

It is very easy to turn compassion into pride. Instead of regretting what happened to an abandoned dog, we can instead admire him for his ability to put it all behind him and be proud of him for overcoming this situation.

Because if there is one thing that distinguishes dogs, it is their determination, willingness and willingness to overcome problems. Our pride helps us understand animals, especially dogs, and this great innate ability.

So we find that we can help animals a lot better if we treat them with pride rather than pity. We give the animal the chance to transform from an abused dog into a hero who can overcome any suffering. Our trust gives the animal self-confidence.

Have no pity

When we see an abandoned or abused dog, we can sense its fear and insecurity. We can do a lot to alleviate his fears, but what we should definitely not do is feel sorry for him.

Our compassionate look conveys concern and fear to the dog, even though we serve as a guide for the dog. So if we are concerned, the dog will also be concerned and will never be able to overcome his fears. How we treat the abused dog is critical to its recovery.

pick up an abused dog from the shelter

However, if we show our pride in these dogs and appreciate each and every progress they make, they too will feel pride and confidence. The world is less full of worried faces that only convey fear. Instead, we support these dogs on their way to a better future.

Act on behalf of abused animals

Whenever we read about animal abuse, we can do much more than feel sorry for ourselves. For example, we can help the person who rescued an abandoned animal by helping to pay for the veterinarian and the food.

We can also help find a family for the animal where it can stay forever. Or we join an animal welfare organization that fights against abuse of animals and tries to reduce the number of animals suffering.

However, we can also report abuse, take abused animals into our home and take care of them. Every volunteer, every helping hand in a shelter can literally save lives.

We will not achieve anything with pity alone. This feeling only paralyzes us and prevents us from acting. But an abandoned or abused animal needs someone to look after it.

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