How Can You Clean Your Dog’s Eyes?

Cleaning your dog’s eyes is one of the most important aspects of keeping the pet healthy and infection-free over time.
How can you clean your dog's eyes?

There are a number of factors to consider, such as choosing a relaxed environment, calming the animal, and trimming the fur that surrounds the eye. Here we explain how to clean your dog’s eyes in the most effective and appropriate way.

Cleaning your dog’s eyes is one of the most important aspects of keeping the pet healthy and infection-free over time.

Why it is important to clean your dog’s eyes

The hygiene and cleanliness of pets is essential to a healthier, happier life. With that in mind, cleaning your dog’s eyes is without a doubt one of the most important things to keep in mind.

Cleaning your dog’s eyes daily will help prevent possible infections. These infections can lead to various eye problems such as conjunctivitis. Therefore, removing the sleeping sand and gently cleaning the eyes should be part of the animal’s daily hygiene process.

It is also important that the animal’s owner knows how to identify the different types of sleeping sand it creates. The point is to distinguish whether they are normal or green and creamy in consistency, which indicates eye problems.

Another important sign is to see if the dog has red eyes. In these cases, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian who will prescribe the most appropriate treatment based on the infection.

How do I clean my dog’s eyes?

The procedure for cleaning dogs’ eyes is pretty quick and easy. With a few minutes a day, you can accomplish this important task for their health.

While it is advisable to clean dogs’ eyes every morning, there are some breeds that require more grooming. For example, dogs with wrinkles should receive more attention as the sleeping sands can easily get between the wrinkles.

Keep the fur around the eyes short

It is important that the area around the dog’s eyes is completely clear. In some breeds, therefore, it will be necessary to very carefully trim the fur that grows around them.

Your dog's eyes - fur around the eyes

A calm environment

One of the top recommendations for cleaning dogs’ eyes is to do this hygiene routine in one place. Cleaning of the eyes should be done in a quiet, clean, and bright room.

The cleaning process of the eyes

The first thing to consider are the drops that the veterinarian has prescribed; in most cases it is a physiological serum. The next step is to wet a cotton ball with the physiological serum and cleanse the area around the eyeball. In this step, the eyelids and the most superficial sleeping sands should also be cleaned very gently.

If there is some dirt left after the cleaning process, a little more pressure should be applied to the area. In this case, it is important that the dog’s eyes are completely closed to avoid injury.

eye drop

The next step is the one that is the most complicated for both the owner and the dog, and often makes both very nervous. Before you put the drops in the eyes, it is recommended that the animal is relaxed. To do this, you need to accompany the previous step with petting and loving words that will increase the animal’s confidence.

Your dog's eyes - eye drops

Once the dog is calm, you can take the drops. You should hold the animal’s head with one hand and open its eyelid with the other hand, index finger and thumb. Next, add a drop or two of normal saline to the eye; and then do the same with the other eye.

Additional recommendations

  • It is advisable to brush the animal daily to avoid hair getting into the eye area.
  • Dogs with bulging eyes should get more attention as the area around their eyes is much more prone to infection. In these cases, it is recommended that the animal be cleaned several times a day with a clean towel that has been set aside exclusively for the animal.
  • Always use cotton pads to clean around the eyes, never just cotton, as fibers can stick in or around the eyes.

    Cleaning your dog’s eyes is a fairly simple and quick process. Of course, you will need a little more patience the first few times until the dog gets used to this process and accepts it as part of their daily routine.

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