How Can A Dog Overcome Grief For Another Pet?

When a dog has to deal with the loss of a loved one, there is often a sudden loss of appetite or increased attachment.
How can a dog overcome grief for another pet?

Various studies show that seven out of ten dogs develop depression if they suffer from the loss of an animal they love. If you have multiple dogs and one of the animals dies, the dog that remains behind can become depressed. You can find out how you can help him overcome grief in this article. 

Overcome the grief

When a dog has to deal with the loss of a loved one, there is often a sudden loss of appetite or increased attachment. Perhaps your dog does not feel like playing or going for the daily walk because he is overwhelmed by deep  sadness  .

If the dog is desperate, sleeps longer than normal and is in a bad mood, you should see a veterinarian, because not only humans but animals can also suffer from depression:

Canine psychology

Dog suffers from grief

Many clinics and veterinarians have professionals who can help the dog overcome sadness. There are also psychologists for animals!

How you can help your dog overcome grief for another pet:

  • Encourage your dog and take the time to do his favorite activities with him.  Be especially loving to him and let him sit with you on the sofa for once. However, this should not become a habit!
  • A walk is always a good idea because almost all dogs love this time. If your dog likes to play, use it to entertain him as often as possible.
  • There are dogs who like to be out and about by car. Others prefer edible treats or certain snacks. You can use it to comfort your dog during the first few days of grief.
  • Cuddles and kind words are also very important in helping the dog get through the period of grief. Like humans, dogs need a lot of love and care during this time.
  • Try not to show your dog your own sadness. Dogs are very sensitive and can be “infected” by negative emotions. Try to instill peace and relaxation in your dog. When he sees you sad, he becomes even more depressed himself. Life goes on, daily routine can help overcome sadness.

Pain while mourning another animal

A dog's grief

People who lose a loved one go through various phases of grief: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, acceptance …  In the case of dogs, emotional confusion occurs at first, the daily routine changes and the animal feels insecure as a result of the loss. 

Depression can develop. If the deceased animal was the leader, his four-legged friend no longer has a role model. He will be more interested in other dogs and maybe bark more. Maybe he feels threatened and wants to warn other dogs.

Try to understand the situation and try to help your dog as best you can.

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