Holland, A Country Without Street Dogs

Hard to imagine but true: There is a country in the world where no dog has to live on the street.
Holland, a country without street dogs

The problem of street dogs is often underestimated.  Even when it comes to suffering living beings, in many countries no appropriate measures are taken to solve the problem. Not so in Holland, the first country  without street dogs.

However, important measures have already been taken in various countries to enable man’s best friend to live a more dignified life away from the streets. One of these countries is Holland, which has become a great role model because it is the first country  without street dogs –  an impressive example of humanity and the love of dogs.


Country without street dogs

The fact that Holland goes down in history as the first country without stray dogs is thanks to the great commitment of its residents. Regardless of whether it is about dogs or other living things, abuse is considered a crime by the Dutch. 

In Holland, as in other European countries, for example England, dogs are treated like a human being. This can be seen, for example, in the fact that a pet is considered a full family member.

Animal rights are just as important in Holland as human rights. This fact makes Holland an exemplary country when it comes to dealing with other living beings.

The history of the street dogs

Of course, the admirable mentality of the Dutch didn’t develop overnight. It is important to clarify the origins that led to this happy reality that dogs live in in this country today.

Said origins go back to the 19th century when the number of street dogs in Holland was as high or even higher than it was in Thailand.

Due to poor health care, this led to a worrying outbreak of rabies in the Dutch population. The reason why so many dogs lived on the street was because of the increasing demand to buy pedigree dogs.

This demand eventually became so extreme that the government decided to highly tax anyone who owned such an animal. This caused many owners to abandon their dogs because they could not pay the large amounts.

Current laws and regulations in the first country without street dogs

Holland: country without street dogs

Far from persisting in unsuccessful attempts  , these organizations have successfully ensured that there are no more street dogs in Holland today.

A number of fundamental laws were passed in the 20th century through the struggle of activists who campaigned for animals.

The most important law that emerged is the Animal Health and Animal Welfare Act. This exemplary law provides for a fine of 17,000 euros or 3 years in prison for anyone mistreating an animal.

At the same time, the state has taken decisive measures, such as sterilization campaigns, to prevent young dogs from later living on the street.

There are also numerous associations in this country that collect dogs from the streets in order to look after them and later give them up for adoption.

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