Greyhound Anatomy: Why Is It So Fast?

The physical characteristics of this species of dog make their remarkable speed possible. These animals can reach up to 70km / h! They are light, aerodynamic, have long and strong legs, and their hearts are proportionally larger than a person’s.
Greyhound anatomy: why is it so fast?

The greyhound is known as one of the fastest dogs in the world. Many people wonder why this is so. Some say he learned this skill while working on the hunt, but the truth is that it is the anatomy of the greyhound.

Would you like to know more?

Greyhound Anatomy – Why Does It Run So Fast?

Just by looking at it, you can tell that the greyhound has long paws and a long, light and slim body.

That alone would be enough to make him run faster than dogs of other breeds. However, there are other reasons that we will explain to you in the following article:

His body

Its weight isn’t the only reason the greyhound is so fast.

It is mainly due to his physique. It’s aerodynamic and it seems like it was made to go fast and at high speeds through the air.

Big heart, fast dog

His heart

The greyhound’s heart is bigger than that of any other breed. In proportion, it is even larger than the human heart.

So what is the benefit of this aspect of the greyhound anatomy? The heart can beat much more often and faster than any other dog’s in a race. This allows the greyhound more endurance and speed.

His blood

Because its heart is bigger, the greyhound also needs to pump more blood towards this organ. This also gives him a higher supply of oxygen. That’s why his stamina is also higher in a race.

His paws

The greyhound’s legs are thin, but strong and long. So he has a lot of drive during a race. If you look at him from the side, his posture looks similar to that of a kangaroo. 

Because his limbs are so long, they cross each other when running.

Greyhounds are noble animals

Through these constant movements the greyhound reaches unbelievable speeds and can hold them for a while.

The contraction of the muscles

The greyhound’s muscles also contribute to its speed. He can pull them together strongly and quickly. Thanks to its small head and tail, it can easily keep its balance even at high speeds.

The location of his head

The head is attached to the neck at a right angle. This allows the greyhound to turn it as it wants with just a little movement.

Its center of gravity changes by turning it just a little to the right or left. It’s a kind of tremendous agility that you don’t find in other animals.

His rod

The greyhound’s tail not only helps him maintain balance at high speeds, but also helps flex his back.

This is necessary to brake or accelerate. Their length is precisely calculated to provide this help.

As you can see, the greyhound’s anatomy is responsible for its speed. It is precisely tailored to a fast animal. That’s why there is probably no better hunting and racing dog.

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