Giardiasis In Dogs – What Is It?

It is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms – diarrhea – are not exclusively related to this condition. The infection can only be proven in fresh stool and under a microscope, but it can cause incurable damage to the small intestine and other organs …
Giardiasis in dogs - what is it?

Giardiasis in dogs is quite a common disease. It is caused by a cell called giardia that lodges in the villi  and prevents the nutrients from being absorbed. This leads to an infection in the small intestine.

Giardia usually lodges in the duodenum, where it reproduces and feeds until the small intestine begins to lose fluid. Before it is excreted in the animals’ faeces, it forms a cyst, which then becomes a new source of infection through the faeces.

Diarrhea is the main symptom of giardiasis

In just a short time, millions of parasites  can arise from just one cyst that can  only be seen through a microscope in fresh feces.

Early detection and diagnosis

The giardiasis in dogs is an infection that is often not detected in time, since the first stages of the disease are asymptomatic.  However, as the disease progresses, typical diarrhea appears. In chronic cases, there is also weight loss.

Ingesting one or more cysts can provoke the disease. What are their signs? Since it is a cyclical disease, you often have to have several stool samples analyzed.

This means that the stool of a sample may or may not contain the cell. The analysis can be negative one day and positive the next.

Giardiasis can be passed from dog to dog through direct contact, but also through feed or water.  It is often aggravated and made worse by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.

Hygiene im Fressnapf zur Vorbeugung

The disease can cause permanent damage to the intestines and internal organs.  Symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, and even neurological disorders have also been noted in dogs that have received prolonged treatments.

What can you do when the giardiasis has established itself

Once the disease is identified, action should be taken quickly to prevent it from spreading and to encourage the removal of the pathogen as soon as possible. First the animals have to be bathed. In particular, you have to clean the tail, as this is where the cysts nest most often.

Until the disease is completely eradicated, all surfaces on which the animals live should be thoroughly cleaned once a week.  Food and drink bowls must also be hygienic.


If your dog is not the only pet, all other animals must be treated with him. The vet analyzes should be repeated a week and then a month after the diagnosis. 

Preventing Giardiasis in Dogs

The dog can be a strong source of infection. This not only applies to other animals, but also to the people who live with him.  That is why we should take some preventive measures so that the dog does not get infected in the first place and then spread the disease.

Since it is a zoonosis, regular hygiene is particularly important  as it protects the roommates of the home. This is especially important when dogs live with young children. Your organisms could suffer health risks from an infection and the drugs used to treat it.

Dogs are also not allowed to drink dirty water. Also, avoid letting your dog drink from a fountain. Place the drinking bowl in a place where bird droppings cannot fall into it.

Deworming products are also great allies in preventing this type of infection.  There are many options available from specialist retailers. They cause no side effects and help the dogs to shed the parasites or prevent them from appearing in the first place.

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