Get Your Puppy Used To Their New Home

The puppy is initially insecure and nervous, but it will quickly get used to its new home. Especially if you help him feel good. 
Get your puppy used to their new home

Many owners don’t know what to do when they first welcome a puppy. The first thing the new family member needs to do is familiarize themselves with their new home.

The puppy is initially insecure and nervous, but it will quickly get used to its new home. Especially when you help him feel good. 

We then have a few tips for you so that you can help your  puppy  during the acclimatization phase.

What to do when a puppy arrives at its new home

There are several tips you can follow to get your puppy used to their home as quickly as possible. However, don’t forget that it’s a process that will take several days. Therefore, be patient and do not despair.

Give him time

It is normal that you are fascinated by your fluffy little friend and that you want to hold him in your arms all the time. Of course, you want him to learn to obey your orders as quickly as possible. 

But be patient and give your fur nose time. You will spend many beautiful moments with her and there will also be enough time to teach her commands and pamper her.

Remember, the pooch will have to get used to you first. It takes time to sniff and explore your new home. Give him his freedom! If there are children in the house, they should respect them too.

Prepare his stuff before he comes into the house

Before you bring the puppy to his new home, you can prepare his place. He can make himself comfortable that way. Decide where to best place his bowl, water, and bed.


Take the puppy in your arms when you bring him inside for the first time so he can feel safe. Then put it  on the ground near its feeding station. So he knows that this is his food and water.

His mouth must have gone dry from all the excitement.

Then you show him his bed, put him in it while you stroke him. However, if he wants to explore the house, let him do that too. 

Introduce the family members to him

When there are other people in the house, everyone can go to him one after the other, with tact and care, without making too much noise or too many movements, take him in your arms and whisper and stroke him.

If there are many family members at home, it is best to do this in several sessions so that the puppy is not overwhelmed.

The house should be quiet

There should be no visits, parties, moves, or other things to scare him or her for the first few days after the puppy has arrived in their new home . Keep in mind that dogs need routine, and doing it in a calm and relaxed environment.

Like a baby, a puppy is full of curiosity. Everything is new to him, so he wants to research, get to know, smell, see and feel everything.

If you think there are things in the home that could harm him, such as cleaning products or other things that he could nibble on or injure him, it is best to  remove these items.

Puppy carpet

Above all, keep cables out of reach and cover the sockets if necessary. Little by little you can teach him what he can and cannot touch.

Be patient with your puppy

It’s normal for the two of you to take some time to adjust, and it’s also true that you can’t go for a walk with him just yet and he needs to relieve himself somewhere around the house. Most likely, he’ll do that all over the house.

Don’t scold him and try to put dog diapers around the house so he can get used to relieving himself on it until he’s old enough to go for a walk.

Even if he doesn’t, you shouldn’t scold him. The trust between you will then become more difficult and he may become afraid of you.

Keep calm, your little companion  will learn to attend to their needs on the street and not nibble on your shoes, but they will take time.

Having a new puppy at home will bring a bit of chaos into your house that you need to be prepared for. But with these tips you can prepare yourself. Congratulations on your new dog!

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