Get To Know The Turtle With The Wheel Prosthesis

Even if life stories sometimes have a sad background, we are always happy to share their positive message with you. They teach us valuable life lessons about how to overcome severe strokes of fate. This is what happened to this turtle, which moves thanks to its prosthetic wheels.
Get to know the turtle with the wheel prosthesis

Even if life stories sometimes have a sad background, we are always happy to share their positive message with you. They teach us valuable life lessons about how to overcome severe strokes of fate. This is what happened to this turtle with its prosthetic wheel.

Today we tell you about a turtle  with a strong spirit and an original wheel prosthesisShe suffered a severe attack, but her story can really be called “luck in misfortune”.

The turtle was attacked and therefore needs the prosthetic wheel

Turtle with prosthetic wheels

Fortunately, it’s a bit extraordinary, but there really are episodes like this in life. Rats ate the front paws of this turtle  whose name we do not know. Her owner spent more than 1200 euros at the vet to improve the poor animal’s situation. Unfortunately, that didn’t work.

The paws are vital for a turtle. In contrast to other animals, a turtle that loses two paws can no longer do anything. However, Jude Ryder, the owner’s son, had a brilliant idea.

He thought it couldn’t be so difficult to invent some kind of prosthetic wheel so that the animal could crawl again. He got to work and it turned out to be a breeze. In a very short time, the turtle enjoyed the freedom of movement that it regained thanks to the wheel prosthesis. So she can now lead a reasonably normal life.

The wheel prosthesis is two wheels that attach to their armor.  Now the turtle can move much faster than before. So can we no longer wind it up because of its slow pace?

We are happy that this turtle can now lead a normal life. All thanks to Mister Ryder’s son. Of course, the little turtle’s will to live and the love of its owner also contribute to the happy end of this story. He never gave up and was willing to spend a lot of money trying to find a solution. Bravo!

Other animals with prostheses

The case of the turtle is not the only one. There are many small animals whose quality of life is improved thanks to the love of their owner and a prosthesis. Unfortunately, there are always situations in which animals need a prosthesis. How good that their owners made the impossible possible to get it for them.

  • Dolls. Doll is a female dog who lost three paws while a gardener was cutting the breeds in a park in Venezuela. The worker claims that the machine went out of control and he was unable to prevent the accident. The poor animal couldn’t move anymore. How could it be with only one paw? An animal rights activist took care of her and got dolls what she needed: a wheel prosthesis. It may never be the same as it was before the accident, but at least now the doll can move and enjoy a dignified life.
  • Turbo Roo. This little Chihuahua was born without front paws and therefore abandoned. An animal welfare center took care of him. They got him a prosthetic wheel for his paws. So now he can run, run and even jump.
  • Rexie. The cat had an accident that left his hind paws paralyzed. Thanks to the efforts of his owner to find a suitable prosthesis for Rexie, he was able to return to a normal life. Today Rexie is a kitty who can even run thanks to his prosthetic wheels.

These are just a few examples of animals that life has given a second chance. Even if fate turned around with them, they survived thanks to their will to live, the help of those who love them, and their selflessness. Needless to say, there are many valuable lessons we can learn from these stories.

We like to tell stories that may start out sad but have a happy ending. Happiness doesn’t depend on what you have or how you are, but how you can use your circumstances to be as happy as possible.

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