Dysplasia: Special Feed To Relieve Discomfort

Of course, it’s not just about finding the best feed to delay the appearance of dysplasia. It is important that the animal leads a healthy life in general.
Dysplasia: special feed to relieve discomfort

Dysplasia of the hip or elbow is a disease that affects many animals. Is there some way to avoid it or to lessen its symptoms? Today we would like to tell you a little about this disease and special feeds that alleviate the effects of dysplasia .

What is dysplasia?

Hip or elbow dysplasia is an inherited disease that is passed down from generation to generation. The bones in a joint, either the hip or the elbow, are not properly placed or aligned.

So it happens that they rub against each other and cause harmful movements. This, on the other hand, leads to excessive wear and malfunction of the joint. The problem here is that the disease progresses quietly.

By this we mean that the real problem has been around for a long time, sometimes since birth. The animal, on the other hand, does not feel any pain until the dysplasia has advanced to its later stages. You notice it because suddenly the animal can almost no longer move.


There are certain breeds that are more prone to the disease than others because of their genes. These are mostly large dogs that have more weight on their joints. Rapid growth can also be a factor as the animals do not have enough time to strengthen their bones.

The most susceptible breeds are the following:

  • German shepherd dog
  • Labrador
  • rottweiler
  • Mastiff
  • Newfoundland
  • Golden retriever
  • German Mastiff
  • St. Bernard
  • other large and very large races

What can I do to relieve the pain of dysplasia?

There are several things to keep in mind. Don’t wait for your pet to suffer, but prevent:

  • Swim.  Just like for us, swimming is a very complete sport for dogs too. It helps them strengthen their joints, develop their muscles and have fun while exercising.
  • Fitness.  All dogs require a certain amount of physical activity, but this is even more important for large dogs. You have to give your fur nose 20 minutes to exercise at least twice a day.
  • Temperature. You should make sure to keep the house at a reasonable temperature, as the cold is not particularly good for your pet’s bones and joints. When the temperatures outside drop, you can also offer your dog an electric blanket or hot water bottle to keep him comfortable.
  • Massages.  Therapeutic massages will help regulate pain in a dog with dysplasia.
    Geeignetes Futter bei Dysplasie

    Special feed for dysplasia

    Diet is one of the most important factors in relieving pain and even preventing this disease. So one should pay close attention to it since the puppy age.

    On the one hand, you have to offer the animal a balanced diet in order to avoid obesity. An overweight animal can develop joint problems. The extra kilos cause problems for the joints in the long run.

    However, we would like to emphasize that the feeds made to protect joints are excellent for relieving pain. This is a low-calorie food that contains special ingredients to protect and strengthen the joints.

    If you are adopting a breed prone to dysplasia, it is advisable to feed the animal with this type of feed from the start as a preventative measure. You may not be able to avoid the disease, but you can certainly postpone its appearance.

    There are also dietary supplements that support joint functions. They contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.

    All of these ingredients are great for the proper functioning of the joints. It doesn’t matter whether the animal developed the disease or not, these nutritional supplements are very useful.

    Remember that owning an animal is a responsibility. You should take care to meet all of his needs. In this case, that means: sufficient exercise, a balanced diet, an appropriate temperature and a dietary supplement. Your efforts will improve your pet’s quality of life.

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