Dutch Smous Dog: Characteristics And Behavior

It is hardly known outside of its country of origin, but it is an excellent pet!
Dutch smous dog: traits and behavior

The Dutch  Smoushound is a relatively new breed. Therefore it is little known outside of its country of origin. But today we offer you the opportunity to find out more about him.

History of the Dutch Smoushund

The Smoushund has not been around for too long. The first examples were known in the 19th century. He was very popular at the time because he could keep up with horse-drawn carriages. He also found work in the stables and hunted and scared away the rats.

But at this point the Smoushund had been around for decades, which is why it is simply not possible to say with any accuracy how the breed came about.

The first breed standards were set at the beginning of the 20th century and since then breeders and fans of the breed have been ensuring the welfare and spread of the smous dog. Despite everything, it is an almost unknown dog outside of Holland.

Characteristic of the Dutch smoushound

It is a medium-sized breed. Both males and females reach an average height of 35 to 40 centimeters and usually weigh around 10 kg.

His physical appearance is robust with square proportions. But it does not look stocky or heavy.

Smoushund schaut verwegen in die Kamera
Image source: http://www.dogbreedslist.info/

Its fur attracts most of the attention. It feels rough and is between four and seven centimeters  long. It grows a little longer above the cheeks and eyebrows, resulting in the typical mustache and protruding eyebrows.

The fur is also a little longer on the back of its limbs. Its hue is always yellowish.

The head is broad and square, the transition between face and muzzle is very clearly marked.

Her lips are dark and the nose is broad and also dark in color. The ears are set high, but they are small and fall off the sides of the head.

The tail is quite short compared to that of similar breeds. It is set high and the dog usually carries it above back level, but it does not curl over him.

Behavior of the smous dog

The smous dog is a very lovable and lovable animal. He loves to bring joy to his family and it is not at all difficult to make him happy.

This fur nose makes great company, but it’s not a particularly good guard dog.

Smoushund an der Leine
Image source: http://smoushond.magix.net/

The Smoushund is cheerful, but not nervous. While running alongside horses was part of his previous job, he doesn’t need any special fitness training to work off this energy.

Because of his friendly character, the whole family will want to play with him and take long walks.

In his character he also resembles a bit the terriers. His hunting instinct for small mammals made him brave and persistent. This dog is not easily frightened, but neither does it suppress barking when something is not comfortable for him.

Because of his tenacity, it is very difficult to raise him using traditional methods. It is better to use positive reinforcement with dogs of this type  .

The dog is rewarded with praise and treats instead of trying to force him to obey through punishment and reprimand!

Grooming the Smoushund

This breed doesn’t shed a lot of fur. However, due to the length of their fur, they often have to be brushed to remove knots that can cause pain and skin problems.

A brush with wide bristles instead of one with metal bristles will be a great ally for you in this task.

Since the Smoushund has not been around that long and is not very well known, no information is yet available about any specific health problems for the breed. However, there is also no genetic disorder that is more commonly diagnosed.

Of course, you have to keep the regular routine examinations at the veterinarian. The dog also needs vaccinations and deworming.

The Dutch Smoushund is a personable breed with a wonderful character. Nevertheless, they are little known outside of their country of origin.

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