Dogs That Are Too Spoiled Can Become Aggressive

Treating dogs like humans and just petting them can have very negative consequences.
Dogs that are too spoiled can become aggressive

Some psychologists point out that too  spoiled dogs can become  aggressive, even if dog lovers don’t like to hear it.

Treating dogs like humans and just petting them can have very negative consequences. Not only can they display aggressive behavior, they can also lose their dignity.

When is a dog spoiled too much?

Pet humanization is an extreme that is not healthy for anyone. But when can you describe a dog as “too spoiled” and what is wrong with that?

Of course, it’s important to care for and love a pet, have fun and hang out with. Many pets are family members,  but still be aware that they are not people.

It is not the dog that should command what to do in the house, but you. Dogs that are too spoiled  can develop behavioral disorders, which is not good for anyone.

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Dogs that are too spoiled can be aggressive

Experts claim that too spoiled dogs can become aggressive. But how much is too much? 

Can spoiled dogs get aggressive?

Certain basic rules are very important for the coexistence of humans and dogs. No matter how much you love your dog, you shouldn’t spoil him too much.

However, the theory that the dog should be the lowest in a family was probably put forward by someone who has never had a dog. But in some cases it goes too far and dogs are actually treated and viewed as human beings. 

But can your dog get aggressive just because he’s allowed to sleep on the sofa? Is this already treating him humanely? Everyone needs to answer these questions for themselves and know what rules they want to make in their home.

But a dog that sleeps on the sofa (or in bed) doesn’t have to be too spoiled or aggressive.

Why do you want a pet?

Some people make the pet the center of their lives, seeing them as a substitute for a child or other loved one in their life. Some dog owners dress their dogs and decorate them with fashionable accessories. Some go too far, which can lead to physical discomfort and mental behavioral disorders. 

Have you ever asked yourself why you have or want a pet?

No matter how much you love your pet, it is and will remain a pet. It has to obey orders and rules, you have to educate it accordingly, care for it and respect it.

Pamper your dog without humanizing him

Pampered dogs can become aggressive

You can pamper your dog, but still ask them  to follow the rules. Respect his desires without pampering him too much and teach him to obey you.

When a pet feels secure, it will quickly integrate and respect loving instructions.

Remember, however, that pets are not and should not be treated as substitutes for humans.

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