Dog With Diarrhea: Which Food Is Recommended?

In the event of diarrhea, your four-legged friend should not eat anything for 24 hours, because if this ailment is caused by intestinal bacteria, they die during this time due to a lack of nutrients. After that, we recommend a gentle diet and plenty of water. 
Dog with diarrhea: which food is recommended?

Dogs often suffer from  diarrhea,  but most of the time we are unaware that the condition could be serious if not treated properly. There is a risk of dehydration or more serious consequences from harmful intestinal bacteria.

Then you will find out more about the causes and what to feed your dog if he has  diarrhea 

Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

Before we go into more detail about feeding the dog for diarrhea, it is important to understand possible causes:

  • Since dogs sniff and lick a wide variety of things on the street, and often have direct contact with other animals,  harmful bacteria have an easy time of it. These can lead to diarrhea, among other things.
  • If a dog eats spoiled food  that he finds on the street or in the garbage, for example, he can also develop intestinal problems such as diarrhea. You can’t control everything a dog finds and eats.
  • food intolerance can also trigger diarrhea. The intolerance can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. In this case, it is best to take the dog to the vet, especially if the symptoms are frequent and cannot be prevented with the right diet.

Dog with diarrhea

  • Since dogs take everything in their mouths, an object they accidentally swallowed could also be to blame for the discomfort. In this case, the dog will usually vomit what has been swallowed, but diarrhea can also result.
  • Poor or improper diet can also have various health consequences for the dog. Perhaps you have chosen a raw diet that is not good for the dog, or you have chosen the wrong dry food, perhaps you are feeding him too much, or the food contains foods that are not good for him. Talk to a veterinarian if diarrhea is common to improve diet. Follow his recommendations regarding the amount and quality of the feed.

What can a dog with diarrhea eat?

You now know possible causes and can prevent them as far as possible. You can now find out which food you can give your dog if he has diarrhea:


A dog with diarrhea should not be fed any food for at least 24 hours to avoid making the situation worse. If harmful bacteria caused the ailment, they  will die if they are not fed. 

Dog has diarrhea

Plenty of water

Water is essential because diarrhea could lead to dehydration! The dog may have to break through water at first, but be patient and give him a few sips over and over again, with a syringe in his mouth if necessary. You will see how good it is for him!

Light food

As soon as at least 24 hours have passed without eating,  you can start with a light diet. If there is no relief, you should definitely take the animal to the vet!

The sick dog menu can  include rice, boiled chicken (no salt), or boiled fish,  depending on what your furry friend likes best. Only give the dog 3 to 4 small servings that you divide throughout the day.

Don’t worry if your dog has diarrhea,  it will happen again and again. Follow our advice so that your four-legged friend will get well again as soon as possible!

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