Dog With Brain Tumor Dies After The Wedding Of His Mistress

Find out more about the exciting story of Charly Bär. The dog died of a brain tumor shortly after attending the wedding of his mistress, Kelly O’Connell.
Dog with brain tumor dies after the wedding of his mistress

It is said that life is made up of moments. Moments that can bring us different feelings, sometimes opposing ones. It is also said that the love pets have for their owners is unconditional. This article is about these and many other topics. It’s about the story of Charly Bär, a dog with a brain tumor. Despite having a brain tumor, the dog survived   until his owner, Kelly O’Connal, married.

How the young veterinary student and the abandoned puppy met

Charly and Kelly met 15 years ago. At the time, the young woman was just 19 years old and was studying veterinary medicine  in New York. She also worked in an animal welfare center where homeless animals found shelter.

One day Charly Bär was brought there. He was just twelve weeks old and someone had dumped the puppy in a supermarket cart in the middle of winter.

When Kelly saw the pooch – a promenade mix of Labrador and who knows what else – she knew they were made for each other.  She decided on the spot to adopt him, even though she hadn’t really planned on keeping a pet. People plan, but life often gives them completely different cards!

A cancer diagnosis in the middle of wedding planning

Dog with brain tumor

The story of Charly and Kelly continued. They later moved to Colorado, a state in the western United States.  It was there that Kelly met James Garvin. In 2010 the two colleagues started a relationship.

Kelly and James were very happy while planning their wedding. In the spring of last year, however, Charly Bär suddenly had a seizure while walking.

The results of the laboratory tests meant bad news for the fur nose. The dog suffered from a brain tumor. The prognosis was not exactly encouraging.

Euthanizing a pet is a tough decision

As the seizures continued and Charly’s quality of life was deteriorating, Kelly and James decided to put the dog down so that it would not suffer any further.

The day of the wedding was approaching. The prospect of letting their faithful companion, who had glided them through life for so many years, be put to sleep was like lead in the young couple’s stomachs. But watching their beloved pet suffer also broke their hearts.

A few days before the wedding, however, the animal seemed to be doing better, which is why the couple delayed the euthanasia date.

Charly, the dog with the brain tumor who didn’t want to miss his wife’s wedding

So it came about that Charly Bär, the dog with the brain tumor, could attend the wedding of his beloved mistress.

Kelly is certain that her dog planned to survive that long. He wanted to be present for his mistress on this very important day and accompany her to the altar.

A few days after the wedding, the dog’s health went downhill. Now the owners could no longer delay the euthanasia.

The story became known and touched many people

Dog with brain tumor at the wedding

Jen Dziuvenis touched this relationship between the woman and her dog very deeply, especially when she found out about the animal’s disease. So she asked permission to display some of the pictures on her website and on social media. 

Thanks to the photographer, the news of the dog with the brain tumor, who accompanied his mistress to the altar with his last vital forces, got  to various media. It is almost impossible to remain untouched by the images that show Charly being carried, almost without strength, in the arms of the bride’s sister, Katie Lloyd.

Image source: Facebook of photographer Jen Dziuvenis

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