Dog Drinks A Lot Of Water: Possible Causes

There are a number of reasons a dog might drink a lot of water, including physical activity or health problems. Learn more about this topic.
Dog drinks a lot of water: possible causes

Dogs are people’s loyal companions. Therefore, any unusual or strange behavior can be a cause for concern. Health reasons, such as when a dog drinks a lot of water , are of particular concern .

How do dogs sweat?

First of all, you have to take into account that dogs have a different perspiration system than humans and therefore sweat differently. Perspiration is the system that animals use to cool themselves down.

While humans have sweat glands all over their skin, dogs don’t. There are two methods of regulating temperature in dogs: through the tongue and through breathing. Dogs only have sweat glands on the nose and balls of the feet.

It is also said that dogs “sweat through their tongues”. What actually happens is that they pump warm blood into their mouths when their body temperature rises. Because that’s where their sweat glands are located.

A veterinarian explained it like this: “The dog sticks out its tongue and the warm water vapor that comes out of the lungs condenses when it touches the colder mucous membranes in the mouth and on the tongue”.

It is through these glands that it is able to reduce the rise in temperature. It gives off the heat in the form of water vapor through the mouth, which drips onto the ground when it condenses.

Dog runs with tongue hanging out

It has also been observed that the dog can give off heat through the head and ears. This is because the natural cooling causes the veins in the head and ears to widen. If the ambient heat is not too high, the dog’s temperature will be lowered.

Reasons a dog might drink water in excess

When we consider that dogs have poor cooling systems, the following causes the dog to drink a lot of water :

Additional hydration

Dogs are animals that drink a lot, especially in the warmer seasons. For this reason, it is advisable to have fresh water available, turn on the air conditioning or open the windows so that there is a cool draft.

Intense physical activity

As soon as the dog moves, the perspiration system is activated in an important way. Because of this , dogs need to drink plenty of water during long walks or vigorous exercise.

Another example is playing with other dogs. The perspiration is significantly higher due to the movement than at rest. Therefore, you should always have some water with you, especially in summer, so that your dog can cool down and refresh himself.

Dog drinks a lot of water because of diet

In some cases, the type of diet your dog eats affects the amount of water he drinks. Some feeds are high in sodium, which means they contain a large amount of salt.

Because of this, your dog needs to drink more water to reduce the high levels of sodium in the blood. If you need to change your pet’s diet, you should seek advice from a veterinarian.

Health problems

Of course, if you have a pet, you want to make sure it is in the best of health. However, your dog can suffer from diseases such as diabetes or kidney failure. If your dog drinks a lot of water, this could also be an indication of a possible illness.

So if you notice any unusual changes in your dog’s drinking behavior, it is important to see a veterinarian. They will then thoroughly examine your pet and diagnose and treat a possible disease.

Dog drinks a lot of water

In short, the dog does not have the same ability to perspire or cool as a human. Therefore, you should always keep in mind that its cooling system will be less effective. So make sure your dog doesn’t get heat stroke in summer.

In addition, the size of your dog has an influence on the regulation of body temperature. Although larger dogs generate more heat, they sweat less than smaller dogs.

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