Dog Breeds That Bark Less

Aside from the fact that excessive dog barking could annoy neighbors, it should also be borne in mind that this behavior could indicate a health problem or pain. We should therefore pay close attention to the barking of our four-legged friend.
Dog breeds that bark less

Barking is fundamentally in the nature of the dog, regardless of whether it is a mixed breed or a pedigree dog. Love for our four-legged friends also means learning to live with their special characteristics, needs and their own language. However, to avoid problems with the neighbors, one might want to think about  breeds of dogs that bark less.

The dog’s bark: an important means of communication

Barking is the dog’s most important form of expression. A dog barks to express its feelings and mood, to draw the attention of its owners or other dogs to dangers and to communicate its needs, such as hunger, thirst or urination. However, excessive barking can become a problem for both the animal and the owner.

A dog that barks abnormally may indicate illness, pain, or physical discomfort with this behavior . In these cases, barking is a symptom and should not be ignored, as we could otherwise endanger the health of our beloved four-legged friend.

If dog owners also live in small, closely spaced apartments, incessant dog barking can lead to serious problems with the neighbors. Not to mention the financial burden of fines that can be imposed for disturbing the peace.

Puppies that bark less

Due to the reasons mentioned above, we want to emphasize once again how important it is to control the behavior of our four-legged friends. And so that you can find a dog that best suits you and your lifestyle, below we introduce you to  dog breeds that bark less.

A selection of dog breeds that are less barking

The list of dog breeds that bark less is headed by a rather unpopular breed: the Basenji. These dogs make a strange sound that we humans do not usually associate with a dog barking. The barking of a Basenji is more reminiscent of a quiet laugh and is something special and unique in the dog world.

It is a very calm and small breed of dog, and thanks to these characteristics, they are suitable for living in apartments and small houses. But beware! These dogs are very energetic and should go for a walk at least twice a day so they don’t get bored.

9 other dog breeds that bark less

These dog breeds follow the Basenji:

  • Golden retriever
  • pug
  • French bulldog
  • Bloodhound
  • Labrador Retriever
  • rottweiler
  • German Mastiff
  • Akita-Inu
  • Chesapeake Bay Retriever

These are the breeds of dogs that bark the most

Opposite these dogs are the following breeds, which are known to bark more frequently:

  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Fox terrier
  • beagle
  • Chihuahua
  • Australian Silky Terrier
  • Pekingese
  • Miniature Poodles and Toy Poodles

Reasons some dogs bark excessively

Sometimes dogs bark excessively are natural reasons, for example it could be breed specific behavior. There are more expressive breeds that are more attentive and suspicious than others and, in contrast, more calm and sociable dog breeds.

Dogs that bark less

But some external factors can also cause a dog to start barking excessively. Here are the 10 most common reasons for excessive barking in dogs:

1-  Stress : Dogs can bark to relieve stress or to express anxiety.

2-  Enthusiasm : Some dogs begin to bark excitedly when they are particularly stimulated by a situation or an external stimulus.

3-  Boredom : This is a result of our sluggish lifestyle. Dogs get bored and therefore start barking.

4-  Frustration : Some dogs start barking when they are upset or to express frustration at not getting what they want.

5-  Indolence : Lack of exercise to release energy can be a cause of excessive barking.

6-  Warning : dogs have keen senses and perceive danger much more quickly than humans. With their barking they want to warn us of a dangerous situation.

7-  Promotion of bad behavior : In these cases we allow or encourage our dog to bad behavior. An example would be if we give our dog what he wants when he barks at us.

8-  Health Problems : Some diseases, such as age-related deafness and blindness, can often lead to excessive barking.

9-  Possession : Dogs who are possessive about their owner or certain things use barking to defend “their property”.

10-  Anxiety and Defensive Behavior : Dogs that have not been properly socialized or are naturally shy use barking as a form of defense to keep other animals away from them.

If your dog barks excessively or shows fearful or even aggressive behavior, it is very important that you contact your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible. Even dog breeds that bark less can begin to bark excessively for physical reasons.

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