Do You Know “Black Dog Day” For Black Dogs?

Remember that black dogs are just as beautiful and normal as any other dog. Find out about Black Dog Day at the animal shelter near you and stop thinking about it: Adopt a black dog.
Do you know "Black Dog Day" for black dogs?

We all know Black Day because even if it is an American custom, it has spread all over the world. Millions of people around the world wait for the long-awaited “Black Friday”, which takes place in November. On this day one can purchase high quality products at exceptionally low prices. Well,  now there is Black Dog Day for black dogs. Do you know what this is about? Read on, we’ll tell you.

The “black dog syndrome”

In one of our articles, we already told you about black dog syndrome, a problem that affects black dogs. There are many people who have prejudice against this color, even if it really only means that black cats (and not dogs) are unlucky.

Black dogs have great coats

Some people claim that black dogs appear more threatening and scare them. They think these dogs are less photogenic or that you can’t tell in their gaze the feelings they are conveying. We’d better not say anything about this superstition …

When people decide to adopt a dog, black is often the last color chosen.  As we explained to you in the article, the number of abandoned animals is greater when it is black creatures.

That is why  Black Dog Day was invented. This is a day on which black dogs are celebrated exclusively and specifically.  Here we tell you why.

Black Dog Day for black dogs takes place on October 1st

This day was chosen to celebrate Black Dog Day annually. This is a day dedicated to black dogs.

Just as we can purchase desired products at lower prices on Black Friday, on Black Dog Day it is possible to adopt one of the most beautiful dogs from the shelter. There is only one condition: it must be black.

There was even a photographer who published a nice book about black dogs. In it he showed their incomparable beauty  and that the animals are very photogenic. His report had one theme: black. The black dogs were photographed against a black background.

You should take a look at these photos as they destroy the false prejudices that have grown up around these animals.  Still, it’s not just about beauty. There are many more reasons why adopting a black dog is worthwhile. Do you want to know more?

Adopt a black dog on Black Dog Day

A black dog is distinguished from other dogs by one thing: its color.  That being said, there isn’t really much of a difference. These are the reasons why you should adopt a black dog:

He is just as affectionate and loyal as anyone else

Let us remember that loyalty is an innate trait of our dog, no matter what color it is. The outside doesn’t mean anything here, it’s about inner values. A black dog is the same as everyone else: it has its qualities and its canine feelings.

You are not a mystery

Many people believe that the color black brings bad luck or has something puzzling about it.  A black dog cannot be reduced to such stereotypes. He has a lot to give you and wants to share everything with you, just like everyone else. It is true that it can camouflage itself better in certain environments, but that is only an advantage and not a defect!

Black dogs are easier to clean up

Black dogs are distinguished by the sheen of their fur.  After just one bath, their fur is black as coal and dirt is not so easily visible. Have you ever kept a white dog? Then you know what we’re talking about.

It’s your best heater

It is said that black absorbs heat, so a black dog will be your best stove on cold winter nights.

You’re always on trend

Beautiful creatures: black dogs

Black has always been a classic, regardless of the age. If you didn’t know what to wear and you have decided on a black dress, all you have to do is do a little hairstyle and put on a pair of chic shoes to look divine and super fashionable. What could be better than a black dog to keep up with the trend?

He’s a great protector

Black dogs are intimidating to people, so keeping a large, black dog can be your best protection.  Burglars or the annoying ex-boyfriend won’t cause you any more trouble.

Remember that black dogs are just as beautiful and normal as any other dog. Find out about Black Dog Day at the animal shelter near you and stop thinking about it: Adopt a black dog.

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