Do You Already Know Dog Villas?

It’s just another one of the eccentricities of dog owners who spend big bucks on absurd things for their pets. It is a big mistake to humanize them.
Do you already know dog villas?

Dogs have shaped part of our lives in ways that many people could never have imagined, to the point that many dog ​​owners have moved to another level by treating animals like humans. They buy their dogs clothes, accessories, or even give them their own room in the house. Well, today you can learn about people who go beyond that. The first dog villas are for sale!

Yes that’s right. If you’ve been shocked by some millionaire dogs, now it seems that some dogs live better than most people. We do not comment on this. We love and respect all animals. This article is for information only, we’re pretty sure you’re curious.

Find out everything about dog villas

Hecate Verona is the company responsible for creating these dog villas . Often times, wealthy people can be eccentric and flashy and always think about ways to spend their wealth. They also want their life to be reflected in everything around them, including their dogs.

It is normal to want the best for your pet. For masters with a little more money, there are now dog villas !

How did dog villas come about?

As the villa’s designer, Alice Williams, explains:

Example of dog villas

Every house is a monumental work. The largest model consists of more than 3000 handcrafted small parts. It is a job that requires around 2000 hours of manual labor over several months. In fact, it’s been over three years since the original idea came up.

It’s not an easy job because architects are used to working on larger projects. Making a “perfect” little house proves to be a chore.

Who are the people who buy these dog villas?

According to Alice, it’s either people who love architecture, people who can afford it and want a villa, or people who love this work of art and their dog. Of course, they also have the money, as these dog villas vary in price between 40 and 200 thousand euros.

What do these dog villas look like?

These villas were specially made for dogs. They have a bedroom and a large living room with dog-height windows. The dog quickly realizes that the internal temperature is perfect and that it feels safe and at home here. Due to the height of the windows, dogs can easily observe their entire territory.

Of course, with a house like this one (and at this price), you can rely on the technology. It has a system called Smart Home that you can manage with an app on your mobile device. It can be used to control lights, water, food and even Skype calls. If desired, you can also install a television. Incredible, isn’t it?

All of this is a luxury few have access to, but these dogs live like kings. While it may seem a little eccentric, it is certainly better to enable animals to have a good life than to tolerate abuse or abandoned dogs. Nevertheless, we are of the opinion that dogs should be treated appropriately and not be humanized.

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