Cracked Nose In Dogs: Causes And Treatment

A cracked nose in dogs can have a harmless cause, but it can also be caused by a disease. Find out more about this topic!
Cracked nose in dogs: causes and treatment

Sometimes diseases in pets can begin with physical changes. The cracked nose in dogs is an example of this, so observation and subsequent collaboration between the owner and the veterinarian is very important.

Be it because of its popularity or because it is easy to check, a dog’s nose is one of the morphological traits that is most often analyzed by owners.

Normally, a wet nose is considered to be in good health. However, this rule is not always applicable, because the humidity is highly dependent on the weather.

Harmless causes

Excessive dryness and the resulting small cracks in dogs’ noses can be due to a variety of factors. Therefore, before you worry, it is important to know the most common of them.

Common causes include licking less frequently. While most owners don’t know, one of the main reasons a dog has a wet nose is the habit of licking it. So when there is less opportunity, such as a long nap, this area will be drier.

Dog is exposed to the sun

So, if the causes of a cracked nose are not due to any pathological factors, it is best to restore it to its natural state.

Usually the dog will start licking again when he feels the dryness. For this reason, adequate daily cleaning is usually sufficient.

Washing your nose locally can be uncomfortable when using a bath tube. Hence , it is best to use a wet sponge or cloth to dampen the area.

Do not use soap or talcum powder afterwards as they can irritate and worsen symptoms.

In some cases , petroleum jelly or special ointments can help improve the condition faster. However, you should always seek advice from a professional.

Diseases that cause a cracked nose

In addition to the aforementioned causes, there are diseases whose symptoms include a cracked nose. The least harmful ones include allergies to pollen, mold, chemicals, or food.

In these cases, the dryness can be accompanied by itching and redness. The veterinarian may prescribe antihistamines or steroids if necessary.

Chapped nose

The worst diseases related to cracks are autoimmune diseases like lupus or pemphigus. Blood and urine tests as well as a biopsy of the nose are necessary for their diagnosis. In this condition, the vet will prescribe immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone.

In general, the disease can be considered serious if there is excessive bleeding, greenish secretions, bumps, or excessive thickening.

At the same time and beyond the physical characteristics of the animal, owners should deal with the physiological or behavioral symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, or excessive scratching are some of the most common symptoms.

The first thing to do in the event of a cracked nose or change in appearance is full observation of the pet. This is because the information provided to the veterinarian by the owners is key to determining the most appropriate tests for diagnosis.

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