Cleaning Dog Ears: This Is How It Works!

You need to clean your dog’s ears to prevent odor, redness, and bacteria build-up. Learn more about it in this article.
Cleaning dog ears: this is how it works!

They are one of the most sensitive parts of an animal and also get dirty quickly: the ears. Infections are common too, so cleaning dogs’ ears will help prevent odor, redness and bacteria. Learn more about it in this article.

When should you clean your dog’s ears?

As a rule, the hygiene of this part of the dog’s body is neglected, usually only the fur and legs and also the mouth are paid attention to. However, it is very important to clean your dog’s ears regularly as it is a very sensitive area that is also prone to infection.

It is recommended that you check your dog’s ears once a week or at least twice a month. The frequency depends on the shape and size of the ears (those of a Cocker Spaniel are of course different from those of a Doberman).

We also have to clean the dog’s ears when rainwater has penetrated or the animal has jumped into the sea or the pool. Other factors to consider are his activities and the places he visits. For example, whether he went to the beach, whether he got dirty in the park or rolled around in the mud.

When should you clean your dog's ears?

Cleaning dog ears: this is how it works

To avoid infection or a build-up of germs and bacteria, it is recommended that you clean your dog’s ears at least once a month. We can use bathing if we dry the area well afterwards. Follow these advice:

1. Examine the dog’s ears

You need to be level with the animal and raise its ears. Check for ear wax or dirt, such as soil or sand. In this case, you can clean his ears yourself.

However, if you see fluid leaking, the area is reddened, a thick brown, gray, or yellowish wax, and even blood is present, take your four-legged friend to the vet immediately. Even if there is a strong odor in the ears, this is important because it could be an infection.

2. Look for ticks or foreign bodies

Dogs can harbor various organisms in their ears … they are the preferred place for ticks! Especially if your dog prefers places with grass or dirt, it is more likely that a foreign object will lodge in his ears.

If he has ticks, dampen a cotton ball with alcohol and press it onto the parasite. Hold it for a few seconds until the tick loosens from the skin. If you try to force it out, you will hurt your dog.

Tips on cleaning dog ears

3. Buy a special solution

Pet stores have special products for cleaning dog ears. Many use alcohol, but it is only recommended for the outer part of the ears. For the inner ear, a solution is better because it has no negative effects.

4. Use a cotton ball

Shape a cotton ball and dampen it with the cleaning solution. Gently insert it into the dog’s ear. Note that cleaning must be superficial so that the cotton does not get stuck in the ear canal.

Remove the dirt and debris that you see. Sometimes the process has to be repeated several times until everything is gone. Remember to be very careful not to damage the skin, and most importantly, to keep your loyal friend as calm as possible.

5. Rinse ears

If the vet recommends it, you can use the same solution to rinse your ears to remove wax and dirt from deeper in your ear canal. It’s simple: hold the tip of the bottle in his ear and let some liquid drip into it. Massage gently and bend the dog’s head so the liquid comes out mixed with the wax and other elements.

Finally, we recommend cleaning the dog’s ears at the end of the cleaning. As a first reaction, he will move his head to either side. Don’t worry, this is normal.

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