Clean The Dog Without Bathing It

It doesn’t always have to be a full bath to get your dog clean
Cleaning the dog without bathing it

Regular grooming of your pet is fundamental to maintaining their health and quality of life. This not only includes proper nutrition, but also daily hygiene. Find out how to clean  your dog  without bathing him in today’s article.

Soap and water baths are very important,  but there are other techniques you can use to keep your dog  clean. Today we introduce you to the alternative. 

Brushing: just as important as the water

Regular brushing of the dog not only has a positive effect on the health of the four-legged friend, but is also a way of strengthening the bond with the animal.

cleaning small dog

How often you should brush your dog depends on each animal and the characteristics of its coat. For short-haired breeds, it is usually sufficient to comb them only twice a week with a soft brush or a fine-toothed comb.

Dogs with medium-length hair should be brushed at least four times a week with a stronger brush and a wider comb with larger tines.

Dogs with long and thick fur, on the other hand, should be brushed every day.  You will need a soft bristle brush and a comb with wider teeth to do this. It’s also handy to have a few more tools at home for untangling knots or tangles in your fur.

The benefits of cleaning your dog

Brushing your dog not only removes loose hair and dead skin, but also supports the growth of new hair. You can also use it to get rid of dirt and flakes.

You can also keep an eye on the condition of the skin with regular care  and you will notice changes immediately.

In general, you can never brush a dog too often. You can brush your four-legged friend every day if you have the time and feel like it, regardless of whether they have short or long hair.

In order to make brushing as comfortable as possible for the dog and the owner , it is advisable to place the dog on a table. The dog enjoys this moment and will also offer less resistance to the vet if it is placed on the treatment table.

Another advantage: brushing improves blood circulation in your four-legged friend.

Bathing without getting wet

The possibility of cleaning the dog with grooming products that do not require water is also a very sensible idea.

There  are many dry shampoos available that are easy to use:  First, the dog’s fur is combed and detangled. Then the dry shampoo is sprayed onto a cotton cloth and rubbed into the dog.

Start at the back and work your way up to the paws, at the very end you clean your dog’s face.

Finally, the dry shampoo should be completely removed from the fur with a damp towel.

This action can be repeated as many times as you think necessary. Finally, the fur is combed again.

In any case, only products specially developed for dogs should be used.  Do not use your own shampoo on your dog!

Diet is also important!

The health of a four-legged friend depends to a large extent on good feeding. A balanced diet with essential vitamins and minerals has many advantages.

Dog cleaning

The cleanliness of the dog, the condition of its skin and fur, as well as the smells emanating from it are significantly influenced by the dog’s eating.

Some dog owners complain about the four-legged friend’s strong odor. Often times, they are completely stunned and affirm that they brush and bathe their dog regularly.

Often, however, the problem is with cheap and poor quality dog ​​food. On the one hand, the animal lacks the necessary nutrients, on the other hand it leads to digestive problems. As a result, the animal is not only tormented by flatulence, the smell emanating from the skin and fur is also unpleasant.

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