Chihuahuas Are More Aggressive Than Pit Bulls

Small but mighty … don’t let the size fool you
Chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bulls

For many years the pit bull terrier was considered one of the most aggressive breeds of dogs. However, one study shows that these dogs are significantly calmer than Chihuahuas, who are known for their small size and high levels of craziness.

Studies carried out on Chihuahuas

The Dognition site recently published a study that examined the aggressiveness of dogs in different situations. Aggressiveness towards strangers or known persons, children, known or strange, small and large dogs, etc. was also observed.


Of all the dog breeds studied, the Chihuahuas were the most aggressive, especially towards large dogs they had never seen before.

But there were even more surprises in this study:  The Pit Bull Terrier was classified as one of the least aggressive breeds.

The study results showed that we have completely wrong ideas. Pitbull Terriers are generally very calm, while the Chihuahua was noticed as the most neurotic and wildest breed.

In the investigations, the aggressiveness of the dogs in different situations with unknown and known people, children and other dogs, etc. was evaluated.

A total of four million dog owners took part in the study.

It is very amazing that just the Chihuahuas as the most aggressive and neurotischsten dogs among the 35 most common breeds classified were. This was particularly evident in relationships with larger dogs.

The study emphasizes that Chihuahuas were only rated as moderately aggressive by their owners. However, it became clear that this is not the case when compared to other dogs.

As the study shows, prejudices are compounded as numerous breeds are often confused with pit bulls.

The data obtained are extremely important in order to dispel these prejudices. And they should also help to ensure that the owners of Pit Bull Terriers do not classify their dogs as naturally aggressive and that they are aggressive with their own pets as a result.

The behavior of the dogs

A dog’s behavior depends heavily on its upbringing. It is said that a dog internalizes the behavior and demeanor of its owner. This also includes the owner’s reaction to certain situations.

The stigma of the pit bull

This social stigmatization is nothing new. Its reputation as a dangerous breed of dog has even led to the fact that the pit bull is discussed in both politics and the public. The Russian writer Dostoyevski also called him “a terrible beast”.

In addition , the media also repeatedly contribute to fueling the bad reputation of the pit bull. 

For example, in 2008 a pit bull attacked a woman who had to be hospitalized. This incident resulted in 230 articles and dozens of television reports at home and abroad.

A few days earlier, a mixed breed dog had killed a 16-month-old boy and only a single local newspaper had reported the incident twice.

Many people believe that larger dogs are more aggressive and wild, and that small dogs tend to be gentle and calm.

This widespread misconception has resulted in the pit bull being incorporated into special legislations in 900 cities around the world. Laws are being created that range from compulsory muzzle wear to euthanasia of these dogs.

Characteristics of the Chihuahuas


It is a small breed of dog best known for its small size.

As well as being lovable pets, these animals are very intelligent, bright and curious, and they simply overwhelm anyone who engages with them with their love.

The breed originates from Mexico, from the state of Chihuahua, where this dog was first discovered.

There is no specific personality description for Chihuahuas . Depending on the upbringing, they grow into loving and gentle dogs or rather malicious and cunning dogs.

Basically, it is an extremely intelligent and attentive dog who likes to get his way.

In addition, despite their small size, our Chihuahuas are very brave and loyal animals. They are very attached to their families and are always alert and alert and also always on the lookout for intruders.

Sometimes they are jealous of master or mistress relationships because they consider the owner to be their property.  

Often they are not even aware of their small size, which leads them to vigorously defend their owners or property from other people or large dogs.

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